Obtaining a license for Medical Marijuana?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone out there lived in the midwest and knew where I could get a physician referral for medical cannabis. I live in a state that has not yet reformed the law on medical mj, but I live in a city where, the law can't touch you as long as you have a letter from a doctor saying that if it were legal, they would write you a prescription. i.e. no protection at the federal level. Anyone know of any docs I can talk to who are sympathetic to the medical use of cannabis? I'm determined to get a letter. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
truly. but at least i've got green...thinking about moving to cali-heard you can become a legal drug dealer there-that would be fucking sweet. emailed a mpp (marijuana policy project) dude in dc, and he told me he can't give physician referrals. asked him if he could refer me to anyone who could, and never got another response. i fucking hate living in the fucking midwest bible belt. i just wanna get all these jesus freaks and conservative reps high, just so they realize that the only thing to fear about mj is the fucking munchees.