Ocean Grown Genetics

I agree people who are focusing on the numbers and photos provided by breaders are not realizing that they are achieved through optimum conditions and constant tweaking and working the strain to perfection u may lack the skill and or equipment to replicate theses result and I feel people are missing the bigger picture and that is if u like the taste,smell and high what do percentages and professional photos matter at least that's my perspective to each his own
Damn I want that b witched real bad. Guess if its still there on payday it was meant to be..lol

Don't feed the trolls you guys, the 30% guy has been trolling this thread for a minute now claiming ocean grown said their stuff is tested at 30%. I've never seen or heard them say that nor has anyone else. He also claimed sin city's CBD seeds were bunk cause he doesn't understand genetics and that CBD is recessive. Just gotta ignore and move along.
Not a one of my many OG packages says a peep about %, nor do I particularly give a shit when you consider most of the people running an HPLC or Mass Spec or whatever they are using likely aren't qualified to use let alone calibrate the equipment. Add to that few if any of these labs are correlating any results which is why you see numbers all over the place. It's used solely for marketing and I've failed to find a case where OG was pimping their wares hard based on any % claim.
what I'm finding, is that you might try to actually type in the URL verbatim for the particular strain, some are "in-stock" that don't show in-stock on the main page..fwiw
U sir are a genius and I greatly appreciate that info. I think my chances just went up exponentially
This is like the dank team trick searching thedankteam.com vs dankteam.com
what I'm finding, is that you might try to actually type in the URL verbatim for the particular strain, some are "in-stock" that don't show in-stock on the main page..fwiw
i have done that for a couple packs... i thought about picking up b-witched before my notification email arrived...

hence there are only two packs of astrochimp left, oops just said too much... so goes the life of a bean hoarder...
I was gonna yank my two Ninja Fruits and run them next round cause I'm running out of room but the smell they're putting off literally convinced me not to. From birth they have stunk more than anything I've ever grown. Seedlings out smelling flowering plants is impressive by any measure lol. Anyone else who's grown the NF notice this?
I was gonna yank my two Ninja Fruits and run them next round cause I'm running out of room but the smell they're putting off literally convinced me not to. From birth they have stunk more than anything I've ever grown. Seedlings out smelling flowering plants is impressive by any measure lol. Anyone else who's grown the NF notice this?
I have two going, one is very full on grapefruithazegrape, its smell reminds me of my old John Sinclaire (Red Cong) dipped in grapes not sure what that is but it's welcome. The second one is similar but not nearly as intense, and a bit more skunky.
I was gonna yank my two Ninja Fruits and run them next round cause I'm running out of room but the smell they're putting off literally convinced me not to. From birth they have stunk more than anything I've ever grown. Seedlings out smelling flowering plants is impressive by any measure lol. Anyone else who's grown the NF notice this?
I have a straight grape smell coming off of mine all 4 of them
I have a straight grape smell coming off of mine all 4 of them
It's kind of unreal, I am a bit taken back how strong the grape is. Are you getting any kinda nose burn haze tingle? I get a bit of bitter grapefruit and haze tang/tingle which I have only ever found strong in red congolese. My one with the most intense aroma comes on grapefruit first, then has a nose tinge and rolls into a full grapey smell.
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It's kind of unreal, I am a bit taken back how strong the grape is. Are you getting any kinda nose burn haze tingle? I get a bit of bitter grapefruit and haze tang/tingle which I have only ever found strong in red congolese. My one with the most intense aroma comes on grapefruit first, then has a nose tinge and rolls into a full grapey smell.
Yup on one I am but the other three are straight grape
I was gonna yank my two Ninja Fruits and run them next round cause I'm running out of room but the smell they're putting off literally convinced me not to. From birth they have stunk more than anything I've ever grown. Seedlings out smelling flowering plants is impressive by any measure lol. Anyone else who's grown the NF notice this?
It's kind of unreal, I am a bit taken back how strong the grape is. Are you getting any kinda nose burn haze tingle? I get a bit of bitter grapefruit and haze tang/tingle which I have only ever found strong in red congolese. My one with the most intense aroma comes on grapefruit first, then has a nose tinge and rolls into a full grapey smell.
Comments like this are why I invested in better seed storage instead of telling myself I will buy less until I am caught up. (don't laugh, y'all are just as bad of bean fiends ;)) Please update and post some pics as they progress :mrgreen: