Odd brown spots on fan leaves


Active Member
Okay so this is my first grow. all natural no nutes or anything. i know its not light burn cause i've already encountered this (lol) and its spreading through to the newer leaves too. Can anyone please tell me what it could be? sorry the pics are bad my only camera is on my phone.




Well-Known Member
all natural no nutes or anything.
Nutrients are natural. Your plants need them to produce more vegetative growth. How old are they? Get yourself a good organic fertilizer. If you can't find one at a greenhouse supply, hardware store, or nursery, order one online at htgsupply.com. For vegetative growth you want a higher nitrogen content.


Active Member
she is 3 and a half weeks old right now. i'm scared she's not gonna hold out much longer:( i had to remove 2 of her larger fans earlier today cause they were completely brown and crisped. and the one in the picture is starting to curl. would a few drops of miracle grow do anything for the time being?


Well-Known Member
What kind of containers are they in? Did you check to see if they are rootbound? If they are, transplant them to bigger pots.

If not, and you don't care about organics, then feed them 1/4 strength of Miracle-Gro, if that's all you have on hand.


Active Member
Hey thanks a lot man. i put her in a bigger pot and put a teeny bit of mg in her regular water. i'm hoping to see some results within the next couple days. i would love to see her just come right back but i know that nature can't be rushed.


Well-Known Member
ok rootbound is where when you lift the plant out no dirt falls cuz its all trapped in the roots......and personally i say dont ever use miracle grow - your fine since you needed something to fix your problem but i wouild go to like ace hardware or online buy some organic ferts.....get the technaflora starter kit easy to use and works good and cheap. also dont worry ppl have problems with there plants all the time they wil make it!!!!


Active Member
well we don't have an ace out here but i'll check out home depot. sadly i can't order online since i don't have a credit card, or a job to afford shipping for that matter. she seems to be liking the new pot since no new leaves are dying.


Active Member
Yeah thanks a lot. here are some new pics i just took. as you can see some leaves are still browning and i had to cut the leaves off her 4th node cause they were done. i went camping this weekend and left my sister to watch her and appearantly she angled the light a bit so she's reaching to the side a bit but oh well haha.





Active Member
So i made a visit to wal mart yesterday but the best thing i could find was mg houseplant powder. it has a high nitrogen content for veg but i would really prefer to go organic. i don't know where the tits i would go in this city to find something decent and cheap. my baby's looking even worse now almost every large fan leaf from the bottom up is dying.


Active Member
well i don't think there is a problem with mg i just don't want to do any more damage to my plant. have you seen her pictures? she's doing so terrible right now.


Well-Known Member
feed her 1/4 strength at first. look in your phonebook for greenhouse supply stores. call them and ask if they have organic liquid fertilizer.


Active Member
so i called one place and the cheapest organic stuff they had was like 25 bucks for a 1 litre bottle. way out of my price range. i really would like to go organic but i just can't afford it now:( maybe my next grow i will.


Active Member
hello all.. justsaw your pics, your girl is looking a bit sad indeed... in my experience.. if the tips of your leaves are turning brown first, it will be an issue with over-watering or poor drainage-either cut down on the water of cut more holes into the bottom of her container, i use a pencil, with an eraser on the end... push it into the soil and down about 5 cms or so.. if its muddy or very wet, then it is an overwatering issue. magnesium deficiency, in my experience, would show by a yellowing around the veins atfirst.. a sure sign. POtassium def. will show as grayish-brown spots of the edge of the leaves especially. other things to look out for will be twisting of the ends or top leaves-molybdenum def.