Odd occurnences on 34th day flower


Well-Known Member
some leaves have gotten worse,some have stayed the same,some are still unaffected....the ones that have gotten worse are now dry to the touch at the tips and sometimes crumble off in my hands...needless to say the brown dots are verry unattrative...are they dying?...some have only brown spots some seem to have a yellow rust along with them...any advice one what to do from here would be nice..


Active Member
hi...mine did that at wk 4 of flowering..turned out a good flush didnt work...just made it worse....so i thought a deficiency...so next feed i put a stronger dose in by 0.5E.C....then after a wk or so the problem seemed to ease....so i think your plant isnt getting enough of something & its taking it from your leaves....hope this helps............:peace:


Well-Known Member
things getting worse...some leaves unaffected still...some crumble off in my hands....buds look crystaly and green but VERY VERY premature...some buds are just now clustering together...


New Member
Its definitely not mites. If it were fungus gnats, you'd see the adults flying around and congregating on the surface of the soil.

If your plants look like the one below, go to the hydro store and buy some CalMag.


Calcium Deficiency:
New leaves die; New stems die;
Tips of leaves may curl;
Plant growth is delayed; Weak stems and nodes/branches;
Weak root system;
Yellow and brown spots on leaf tips; on new growths; edges of leaves;

Feed your plant some calcium!

Recovery Time:
Give it about a week.

Why that happens:
Calcium supports the cell walls in the plants, as well as making the whole plant stronger. It supports root growth and contributes when retrieving potassium in the roots.

Too much calcium will cause other deficiencies…

Here's your plant again:
