Odd sexual attractions...

Yes! This thread started cuz I'm really attracted to the little vampire chick. Who's someone or something that you are attracted to that may not be common think? Also, have you any nudes of the little vampire chick? Some guy earlier is interested in your grandmom's.
Grandma is dead but I can try to dig something up.
I was trying to rack my brain for another one that is against the grain, maybe my style is just boring. I still like Sean Connory. Just as he is, old as fuck.
Who's someone or something that you are attracted to that may not be common think?

Alyson Hannigan


I don't see her on TV or movies often but when I do she get my full and undivided attention.

She sure has a purdy mouth.

It's an odd attraction in that there are many actresses that when I see them I think yea
I'd bang em. When this chick comes on all I can do is stand and drool.

No one likes a snitch. Just dish it back at him. Grow some thicker skin. It's the internet. We're all tough guys and smoking hot chicks. Don't know what the beefs about but I do know not being a tattle tale is like the first couple rules of grow club. I'd tag Bob and tell him he smells like macaroni and sriracha but his name is too fucked up for me to guess. @Bob Zmuda ha, I fucking got it!
Neo i dont need thicker skin, it doesnt bother me. Its bob being bob. Im personally not chapped, his stupidity just clutters up the site. And im not going to put him on blast and post pictures of weenis shaped icecream cones. Its not worth my time or effort. After like two years that report button is way less work and headaches. Hope the small one is doing well. Happy holidays.
i was always turned on by chicks with small deformities. like my wife has t-rex arms that she cant fully extend. i think they make her cute.

always had a thing for deaf gurls too. every deaf chick ive ever met was pretty as hell and didnt talk too much. perfect. and their mouths are 10x warmer than normal chicks too.

lets see.. oh and animated women. i didnt realize i had that propblem til i saw tangled. then all kindsa shit started to make sense
Short chicks.

I've dated a few 5'ers. My wife is 5' was 95lbs when we started dating in hs. About 145lbs now@36 weeks pregnant, I now realize I have a thing for hungry baby builders.

Haha, the 5er reminded me of the old George Carlin joke... "I've never fucked a 10, never fucked a 10! But one night, I fucked five 2's! And I think that oughtta count." Lol.

My wife is also 5' and hovers around 105-110. She got to 144 with the little one. Their feet grow to accommodate the extra weight. Like mutants.
Haha, the 5er reminded me of the old George Carlin joke... "I've never fucked a 10, never fucked a 10! But one night, I fucked five 2's! And I think that oughtta count." Lol.

My wife is also 5' and hovers around 105-110. She got to 144 with the little one. Their feet grow to accommodate the extra weight. Like mutants.
i dunno what my wife weighs but i think its in the 120s or 30s. shes a size 8 shoe. they dont look big but kinda long