Odd situation, seeking advice and input


Well-Known Member
She told the father and he doesn't want anything to do with her or it. Now she's really scared she's going to raise it alone.
fuck her that's her own dam fault. she broke up with you remember. If she came back with a baby and she wont take a dna test i would slam the door in her face.


Well-Known Member
Pad, the key is something she said to you that you posted a few pages back : "She says she hates to be alone"

So the father of the baby dumped her, she's looking for a safe harbor, and since you have feelings for her you're the obvious target.

I don't understand why she wants to have the baby, she could easily have an abortion and be done with it. You COULD take her back if you feel you can love and raise the child, but again, "she hates to be alone", so I am not sure she is looking at you as a life partner. Only you know the nuances of the situation and relationship and can decide what YOU want.


Staff member
So my gf and I break up, she gets another bf, a month later they break up and her and I start talking again. She finds out she's 6 weeks pregnant a day after I tell her we should get serious. I'm 99% sure it's her exbf's, not mine.

Wtf do I do?

She's already decided she's having it.
well a month is 4 weeks long, 6 weeks pregnant and if shewent to the doctors if usually off by about 2-3 weeks anyways
so there could be a chance your the father


Well-Known Member
well a month is 4 weeks long, 6 weeks pregnant and if shewent to the doctors if usually off by about 2-3 weeks anyways
so there could be a chance your the father
She agree's, or at least one of her friends did that he isn't the father...

And he said "99%" sure.


Staff member
She agree's, or at least one of her friends did that he isn't the father...

And he said "99%" sure.

if i have a fucking PENNY for the amount of times ive herd im 99% sure im not the father on fucking maury id be fucking rich.
you cant be sure with pregnancy's

just because a doctor says youre 2 weeks, you could be 4, or vice versa.
its hard to tell until you get a paternity test
or ya know youre white and the baby is black


Well-Known Member
I say get a DNA test after its born. Thats mandatory pretty much. Only I would have a friend who is a big enough dipsh*t to raise a kid he doesnt 100% know to be his as his gf admitted to cheating around the time she conceived him.

Anyway. I know it sounds fucked up but you can only consider yourself in this. If its not your kid do NOT feel obligated by her to stick around and raise the baby. Thats total horse sh*t about "it shouldn't change anything even if its not yours if you love me" because ask any girl if they would wanna stick around with you while you knocked up some other girl while you two were broken up?

I personally wouldn't/couldn't do it. I cant stick with some girl who had someone else's baby while we were broken up or not. I'd feel like the biggest dumbass in the world for taking over some jerkoff's responsibility they chose to avoid and sticking by the girl that spread her legs for him..call me selfish but im being honest.

Ive been in all kinds of relationships. good ones, bad ones, puppy love, real love but not true love, etc.

Let me tell you the most important thing ive learned: never bend too far for someone you're not truly in love with. imo theres a difference between really being in love with someone and true love and puppy love...

when the love is true you just know.

I think you're in a pretty fuk'd up maury type situation and i feel for you.

Think this through. Do you want to be with her if its yours? do you want to be with her if its not? if she got an abortion or lost the baby (god forbid) would you still want to be with her?

whats your motivation to stay/go?

Just dont let her tell you that you have to stay or guilt you into it. ive been suckered into a lot of crap in past relationships but being too nice to break a heart. Sometimes for the sake of your happiness you have to break a few hearts unless someone's happiness is worth more to you than your misery.


Well-Known Member
damn thats a pretty complicated situation there. not tryin to be a dick to your girl and all, but do you think she could be settin you up? like she has been knowin and thats why the other dude left and she's tryin to use it to get sympathy from you. how long after yall broke up did she get with him?


Well-Known Member
if i have a fucking PENNY for the amount of times ive herd im 99% sure im not the father on fucking maury id be fucking rich.
you cant be sure with pregnancy's

just because a doctor says youre 2 weeks, you could be 4, or vice versa.
its hard to tell until you get a paternity test
or ya know youre white and the baby is black
He isn't sure...
That's what the left over 1% is for.

The possibility that it is HIS...


Well-Known Member
I understand this, but the court system handles this well.
Help her.
Have her record a couple of the guys calls, or you do it (With him talking like a shit head). Then in court he won't be able to get custody or tax cut rights. And will probably be forced to pay child support as most fathers are.
It's set up so she won't have to do anything herself now that she has a baby. The court won't just let a dad walk away, if you can prove he did.
Of course, this holds true if it's your baby too. Keep it in mind. Tough situation bro, best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
fuck her that's her own dam fault. she broke up with you remember. If she came back with a baby and she wont take a dna test i would slam the door in her face.
To clarify... DNA testing a fetus can have drastically bad results (death of fetus included). It's not that likely, but the risks are severe for something that isn't important for the baby's health. It's better to wait.


Well-Known Member
To clarify... DNA testing a fetus can have drastically bad results (death of fetus included). It's not that likely, but the risks are severe for something that isn't important for the baby's health. It's better to wait.
True. That's not a baby yet...


Well-Known Member
wow, i just caught up on this now. i hope you got rid of that whacky bitch!

though i admit, the element of her friend coming here to badmouth was quite entertaining. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
i was in a situation where i was a father figure to some one else's kid... fuck that! that shit gets so complicated. i realized it would never truly work when we got in a silly ass fight and suddenly she is leaving with the kid and i had no say. hmmm... so you want me to help raise it til you're on your period or some shit, then rip both the kids and my hearts out. good call! trust your instincts bro. i should have.