Odd that I have almost literally no humidity during winter?


Active Member
My tents humidity level is 10-25% max, a little misting gets it up to 30-45% but only for a very short amount of time.

I have tried putting large pots of water filled to the top with a fan sitting on top blowing air around. I have tried misting the walls of the tent or just straight up throwing water on them good 40% humidity for around 30 minutes.

I find it odd that outside the humidity is 45-65% and still nothing.

400W MH
400CFM Blowing cold air inside (From outside)
6" Inline sucking air from air cooled hood into a carbon filter (Other side of hood is open)

Never had this issue before, actually had HIGH humidity issues before where I couldn't get it below 60-70% RH.

Added another 400CFM blowing cold air from outside in and still nothing, just freezing my plants up.

I'm not going to be buying anymore equipment sadly considering I'm way over my budget for this grow and I haven't even harvested yet.
Still in veg, don't plan on going into flower with this low of a humidity. It has started showing sex (Female) since 2 days ago though so it's mature, very wide, and about 2ft tall. 100% Indica.
I love it when my humidity stays at about 25% that just means I won't have to worry about powdery mildew. It won't hurt your yield or the quality.


Active Member
No you're good buddy. My shit STAY at 16 and my plants are doing fine (in flower) but in veg when their is not may roots that # should be a lot higher.


Active Member
Hang wet towels if you are that concerned about it. More surface area for water to evaporate from vs buckets of water.


Active Member
Hang wet towels if you are that concerned about it. More surface area for water to evaporate from vs buckets of water.
Good idea since I plan on washing towels today anyway, I don't know the negative effects of having almost no humidity so I'm not too concerned. I did think that having a low humidity during flower would be great for mold issues but too low I thought it could be a issue.

Glad to hear it won't, guess I'll let it veg longer.

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
Agreed with above posts. My humidity stays at an almost constant 28 to 30%. I put in two large pans of water with lots of air movement, and the humidity didn't change. At first, I was a little concerned, but my last harvest was a great success, and I was growing under the same conditions before I had a hygrometer. Probably just fine at that humidity.


Well-Known Member
I would only be concerned if I was at the other end of the spectrum ( i.e.80-90% ). You're good bro, carry on !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I find it odd that outside the humidity is 45-65% and still nothing..
What's the temperature difference between the outside and inside air. Do a little reading on RELATIVE humidity, versus actual moisture content.

As a rule, for every 20F degrees the air temp raises, the relative humidity is cut in half with the same air mass. The Relative Humidity is just that, percentage moisture saturation Relative to the air temperature.


bud bootlegger
What's the temperature difference between the outside and inside air. Do a little reading on RELATIVE humidity, versus actual moisture content.

As a rule, for every 20F degrees the air temp raises, the relative humidity is cut in half with the same air mass. The Relative Humidity is just that, percentage moisture saturation Relative to the air temperature.
exactly. the warmer the air is, the denser it is, therefore the more moisture it can hold.. colder air, being less dense, can only hold so much water..
in the winter here my rh meter stops reading at 16%, and it's always not reading. :D


Active Member
What's the temperature difference between the outside and inside air. Do a little reading on RELATIVE humidity, versus actual moisture content.

As a rule, for every 20F degrees the air temp raises, the relative humidity is cut in half with the same air mass. The Relative Humidity is just that, percentage moisture saturation Relative to the air temperature.
WoW Extremely good information thank you for this, I will just start to blow in air from inside the room as that is pretty warm compared to the temps outside 30-50F

Inside the tent the temp is steady from 77-81F which will be fixed before I move to flower to hold a steady 75F.


New Member
If you really need to raise the humidity. I would suggest no higher than 35%. An easy way to do this is fill a 5gal bucket with warm water and throw a large air stone in it. Warm mist will constantly be raising into the air hopefully achieving your desired humidity level. Be careful not to forget about the bucket or you'll see mildew and root appear faster than anything on all your plants.

And don't spray the walls ever. Shaded spots or spots where the plants touch the walls will result in foliage root and disease possibly.
Hope I could help. Peace


Well-Known Member
WoW Extremely good information thank you for this, I will just start to blow in air from inside the room as that is pretty warm compared to the temps outside 30-50F
Yer welcome. And if you were previously sucking in air from outdoors it might be DRY air. For example today where I live (Ozarks) the RH outside is around 20%, inside my house it's 62%. So if I understood you correctly and you were drawing air from outside, it might be drier to begin with.

Personally I don't get too concerned with humidity being low any time in the grow cycle as long as I can keep it watered, because a plant WILL use a substantial ammt more water when the RH is low. Like maybe almost twice as much. High RH can cause many more problems, especially during flower.

Just my opinions and observations Good Luck - AIM


Active Member
If you really need to raise the humidity. I would suggest no higher than 35%. An easy way to do this is fill a 5gal bucket with warm water and throw a large air stone in it. Warm mist will constantly be raising into the air hopefully achieving your desired humidity level. Be careful not to forget about the bucket or you'll see mildew and root appear faster than anything on all your plants.

And don't spray the walls ever. Shaded spots or spots where the plants touch the walls will result in foliage root and disease possibly.
Hope I could help. Peace
Very helpful, although people are telling me low humidity is a good thing so should I just keep the low humidity or raise it a bit before I start to flower? I intend on vegging to the end of the month which should give me a very large plant. It's currently not touching the walls of the tent yet but it should be before i start to flower considering all I have done is FIM and ever since the side branches are growing extremely big.


Active Member
If it isn't broke don't fix it! Are your plants showing stress from low RH? Or do you just think it is bad? With the wet towel I used a hand towel over a shower rod and it raised my RH almost 5% so don't hang a bunch if that is how you want to do it (my choice due to the involved cost of wetting a towel)


Active Member
If it isn't broke don't fix it! Are your plants showing stress from low RH? Or do you just think it is bad? With the wet towel I used a hand towel over a shower rod and it raised my RH almost 5% so don't hang a bunch if that is how you want to do it (my choice due to the involved cost of wetting a towel)
Yes the reason I didn't buy a humidifier is because I don't want to spend more money than I have to as it's personal use and if I only net 1 oz and spent over $500 on my grow than I could have just purchased a oz.

I don't think they are showing signs of stress from low RH, honestly I don't know what to even look for.
My plants seem green and healthy only 1 yellowish leave the entire grow so far (Almost 2 months vegging)
the side branches seem to be growing just fine and are large, only thing I guess that doesn't look right is the side branches have very little growth on each node (Like you can see new branches forming but they don't grow as much as the rest of the plant)

Today I fixed the temp from 80F to 73-75F with passive intake, a closed off air cooled hood with forced out take, and a 400CFM outake in the tent that forces more air from passive intakes.

RH is still at 16%, but like another person said at 16% my RH stops working and won't go any lower.


Active Member
Not sure what is going on
Yes the reason I didn't buy a humidifier is because I don't want to spend more money than I have to as it's personal use and if I only net 1 oz and spent over $500 on my grow than I could have just purchased a oz. Throw a hand towel or 2 over something like a shower rod and check em before lights out and if need be wet them again and see where you are at when the lights come on. You are like me with the money situation, every time I mention "needing" something else she rolls her eyes and says "how much?" But on another note, veggies for 2 months? I did 5 weeks and my girls are over 3 ft and one close to 4 if I would untie her branches. You might end up too big, clone them out as if they were mothers and veg the clones till they are rooted and switch to flower. The plants will just about double or more in size when switched to 12/12

I don't think they are showing signs of stress from low RH, honestly I don't know what to even look for.
My plants seem green and healthy only 1 yellowish leave the entire grow so far (Almost 2 months vegging)
the side branches seem to be growing just fine and are large, only thing I guess that doesn't look right is the side branches have very little growth on each node (Like you can see new branches forming but they don't grow as much as the rest of the plant)

Today I fixed the temp from 80F to 73-75F with passive intake, a closed off air cooled hood with forced out take, and a 400CFM outake in the tent that forces more air from passive intakes.

RH is still at 16%, but like another person said at 16% my RH stops working and won't go any lower.


Active Member
Most of my response didn't show. Why have you veg get for 2 months? Your plants will double in size when you make the switch to 12/12. You may want to clone the plants out and when they are rooted switch them to flower and sog them


Active Member
Lol... or read the quotation from where you say buying an oz. My first response got pulled into the quote part of my response


Well-Known Member
What I did was fill a bowl of water up about 75% and sit a cloth in there and had the edges of the cloth going around overlapping the edge of the bowl. That way the moisture gets released from the cloth, when you just have the water in a bowl with nothing to absorb the water into and then to release it in the air it's not gonna do much. I had to fill the bowl up about 6 times more often by just adding that cloth than what I needed to without it.