Odd tricks


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I read somewhere that you can top your tomatoes. curious if anyone does that and what section you pinch at?

Also, I typically pull my first set of peppers off as soon as I can. Its suppose to help it focus on a vegetative state rather than a flowering state. I get peppers into November in Northern Ohio.



Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I read somewhere that you can top your tomatoes. curious if anyone does that and what section you pinch at?

Also, I typically pull my first set of peppers off as soon as I can. Its suppose to help it focus on a vegetative state rather than a flowering state. I get peppers into November in Northern Ohio.

I reduce my indeterminate tomatoes to a single vine by pinching off the suckers at each node. Keeps my plants neat and the grow fruits instead of one and more branches.

I've never heard that about peppers.