

Well-Known Member
ok im wondering how long do i run my inline fan with carbon filter? do i run it 24/7? a few mins a day? also can someone explain exhaust and intake to me like where is the exhaust and where is the intake?.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Exhaust is blowing out. Intake is air coming in.

You want to replace the air in your growspace once an hour. You may need to run your fan more often based on heat buildup etc. To figure out replacing the air, you need to know proper CFM ratings. This stands for Cubic Feet per Minute. To get the cubic feet in your growspace, multiply the length by height by width. So a closet that's 3 feet wide, 4 feet deep and 10 feet tall? 3x4x10 = 120 Cubic Feet. You want a fan that will replace all the air in your growspace in 5 minutes. For that closet a 25CFM fan would do. I usually vent 15 minutes an hour because thats what timers let me do.

You don't need to use your carbon filter unless things are smelly.


Active Member
Also, if you are using co2 supplementation make sure you get the timing right.. or you are wasting CO2