Odor help!!!!


Active Member
I just finished my first grow and I cut it down to dry and it skunked up my house bad!
i had the door closed but I guess that didn't help any.

any how I am trying to air my house out now which ironic my room with the tents don't smell but the rest of the home does...

tryin to get odor gone before wife gets home. I have ona out all over and have those light candle scents running but nothing works.....

I'm staring at my cameras on my tv all paranoid and shit.

can you all help me resolve my issue so I don't have this next time.

whats the truck? What should I do? I was thinking of buying a 4x8 tent and have 4 feet in the tent to be able to groom the plant before I put the bud in my dry box. Suggestions?

or should I buy a 750 CFM fan and run it 3mins before I cut and 30 mins before I walk out to remove odor? What do you all think is better idea?


Active Member
idk about the long term solution but do you have incense? ULTIMATE STONER SOLUTION!... except then everyone knows you're burning incense to get rid of weed smell lmfao. open all the windows and put the backs of your fans to the screens so it sucks in outside air.

does your wife not know you grow / is it really all that tragic if it smells like weed? couldn't you just tell her you left the door open and you're super sorry and all will be fixed tmw? put a towel under the door to the weed room, rolled up..


Active Member
I mean it's just a thing if someone came over doesn't need our business aired out, literally.

What do you guys think 750 CFM fan and 7x24 CFM fan do the trick??

i can clogg up under the door, I guess turn AC off and plug the AC vent and turn on the CFM fan on Max and suck out the odor that way. While I "work"


Well-Known Member
I'm thoroughly and utterly confused. So I'm guessing you're totally baked.

So...your grow smelled when you cut it down, but not any other time? You kidding me????

Your wife doesn't know you grow? And you live in the same house?

You have cameras on your tv? Doing what?

I'm not sure I can resolve any of these issues...

However, if you're thinking of buying a 4x8 tent to hang your grow in to dry, there's nothing wrong with that. Seems like an awful big footprint for hang dry, though.

Why would you buy a fan just to run for 33 minutes a grow cycle (when you cut)???


Well-Known Member
I'm staring at my cameras on my tv all paranoid and shit.
Hey dude.

Could you explain the bit I quoted please? What cameras do you mean?

As far as paranoia goes, the only thing that can sort that is to make peace with the issue causing it in your mind. If that means getting the tent to cut and harvest the plant in then go for it. This will seem like overkill to some - only you know if it is necessary for you (and I for one would not judge you negatively for going for it). Just be aware that once the drying has finished and they're all in jars the smell will be gone, totally.

Also incense is massively undervalued for masking ganja smell imo. Yeah it stinks, but even if the ganja smell sticks around underneath it most people will blame that on their imagination when incense is so clearly prevalent. Make sure to burn sticks throughout the year just so the smell is associated with your home - which is double security when it is needed to mask possible drying smells.


Active Member

wife knows, she just doesn't need the entire home to smell. I guess you can say she likes to stay classy.

i have a super closet dryer can I bought to dry in, I would use a 4x8 tent, walk inside close it and cut down the bud, lightly trim & place into brown bags walk out close tent and transfer into the dryer cab.... Bam simple or I can buy a CFM large enough to support the bedroom so when odor arises it just sucks out the odor and replaces with fresh clean air to avoid odor, get what I am saying?

this is first indoor grow so I do have much to learn.

as for the cameras, just 8 watching the house. I work long hours so I like to watch my home, my home protection is a 2 mile drive & a shot gun, and it's free.... ADTT wanted to charge me 60$ a month for what I do for free!


Well-Known Member
does your wife not know you grow / is it really all that tragic if it smells like weed? couldn't you just tell her you left the door open and you're super sorry and all will be fixed tmw? put a towel under the door to the weed room, rolled up..
Ha ha. Quite.

If I had a missus she would either be super stoked to have a hunky rebel boyfriend who can confidently deal with complex factors connected to being an outlaw growing ganja...or, should she not be able to gain solace in my confidence and chill the fuck out about the skunky drying smells then she could take some of said herb into another room and chill the hell out or gather up her stuff and get the fuck out - the choice would be hers to make. This refusal to perceive a need for concern over such things is a major reason I am a bachelor.


Active Member
Ha ha. Quite.

If I had a missus she would either be super stoked to have a hunky rebel boyfriend who can confidently deal with complex factors connected to being an outlaw growing ganja...or, should she not be able to gain solace in my confidence and chill the fuck out about the skunky drying smells then she could take some of said herb into another room and chill the hell out or gather up her stuff and get the fuck out - the choice would be hers to make. This refusal to perceive a need for concern over such things is a major reason I am a bachelor.
Ironic as it may be, neither of us smoke it or use it or ever have. I just have a mother who's dealing with cancer so I just would rather grow it for her then for her to buy someone's cash crop. You know what I am saying?

ive built a very elaborate grow in my spare room, If adding to it to handle the cut phase then by all means I am willing to adapt. It only smelled when cutting, now it's all cut and put in the dry cab I have no odor. But I would like to prevent this next time around.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Man they can get fragrant as fuck when cutting and trimming at harvest. I put a bucket of charcoal. Or make a mini carbon scrubber in the dry section.


Active Member
Man they can get fragrant as fuck when cutting and trimming at harvest. I put a bucket of charcoal. Or make a mini carbon scrubber in the dry section.

I just gotta handle the odor while cutting so that's why I suggest a 4x8 tent since I'm going to be working a 4x4 space I figured I'd cut it down inside the tent.

Then transfer into cab.


Well-Known Member
get yourself a tent does not matter what size just needs to have the room to hand the bud

i got a 4x4x6.5 and i converted it into drying /veggie tent just for this reason
get a tent ............if u are getting larger tent increase the size of what i say .....cheap o 100 bucks off ebay /amazon.......just tape the inside up if light leaks

here this should give u all the details and the idea .................it has worked prefect on those 2 plants i plan to increase the plants for next time and use the cureing racks more then just fan leaves

if u get a hay smell cut the wind movement inside the leaves/flower are dring to fast is the cuase the removel of the wind and time fixes it if ir is close to the 6th day do not repeat my wind 24 hour wind ....need atleast 48 hours to fix it

by the end the cure is going great i just had some to see no popping the smoke was smooth and the taste is right on for the strain

the most important thing after u cut it is temp below 80 and no light/direct light as long as possible and then reduce the time as much as u can it will be stickier and stinkier and make ppl go damn ............when u cut it tell the ppl no scraping the hands wash it off with some strong shine ....140% works well ....but the trimming tools u take and scrape up the thc for one massive hit and 6 hours of down time


Active Member
Thank you. Yeah pretty much convinced me to do a 4x8 tent. I have a 2x4 tent right now that I will use for veg. Ill just flip them from one tent to the other.

Speaking of I read your thread, let me ask; do you know how long carbon filters are good for?


Well-Known Member
Thank you. Yeah pretty much convinced me to do a 4x8 tent. I have a 2x4 tent right now that I will use for veg. Ill just flip them from one tent to the other.

Speaking of I read your thread, let me ask; do you know how long carbon filters are good for?
depends on the who and the size.............the understand i have is the dust covers on them need to be replaced every 3 months and the carbon inside needs it every 12 months

i know of a couple on ebay that sells refillable ...........here u go usa ppl


Well-Known Member
on the drying veggie tent ......i do not have ducting venting .....just one of those flow gaurds so when i am not using something can not go inside ....the life the of the filter should be good just the dust cover will need to always be on that 3 month time table .........the carbon is 12 months of sucking

carbon can not be reclaimed with out a auto clave (a steam chamber of 700 or more ) unless u have acess to one of those the carbon is on the compost pile and get some more .......pretty cheap and alot less then getting a new filter system


Active Member
Let me ask, what's the use for the fan in the tent? Just curious why shouldn't I just do away with it when I'm drying the plant.


Well-Known Member
Let me ask, what's the use for the fan in the tent? Just curious why shouldn't I just do away with it when I'm drying the plant.
well i use the fan based off the tabbacco curing method..........the sheds they hang in the walls have slats so the wind passes tho and removes the humity in the air around the plant.........this will always be higher then the natural air is

my last one i did not use air flow like that and the buds were much darker .........this set is still nice and green


Well-Known Member
You sound very thoughtful and conscientious - probably why you worry and get paranoid. ;-)

Be Ez dude! Peace out! :peace:


Well-Known Member
As far as tent drying is concerned -- depending on the size of the tent and the RH of the room, your newly-cut plants can raise the humidity in the tent easily to 75%+. This will leave your hard-grown bud very susceptible to mold. Especially in and around the bigger nugs.

Conversely, the if the air is very dry, your plants might start drying too quickly, and you'll need to add a little moisture to the air to slow that down.

In either case, though, you want air circulating around the bud so that mold doesn't develop. I then have a small humidifier and the dehumidifier I use during flowering on hand to adjust the RH of the tent to about 60%, with good air circulation, and watch the bud carefully as is does a 10 day dry.