odor killer idea.


Well-Known Member
i have never had a large grow but would like to some day. i have a idea that im hoping would kill the smell of cannabis completely. im wondering if anyone has ever tried this or seen anything like it. im open to all ideas. i hear of grow houses that neighbors complain about the smell. my goal here is to make so it doesnt smell outside the house at all. i have made a pic on paint to help you understand my idea. the idea is deals with several inline fans, several carbon filters, and a ozonator to mask the odor. inline sucks out of veg room into flower room. from flower room there would be a inline that sucks air through carbon filter and blowes into a grow tent/air tight room that would have a ozonator and fan that pulls air through cabron filter and circulates air through tent. then in the tent would be a inline with carbon filter that blow air outside. do you think that this design would cover the scent of a massive grow? is it way overboard? how do people with 300 plant grows cover the odor? is there anyway to cover the smell of a couple hundred plants completely from outside of the building?air cleaning tent.jpg


Well-Known Member
will it take care of 100% of the smell? i have a 300cfm filter with a adjustable 720cfm inline that im using for 2 grow box's that are less then 50 cubic feet together. iv got a small wall plug in ozonator too. the inline and ozonator both stay on low and when everything is closed i cant smell a thing. but when i open the the grow box it stinks. iv been to larger grows and i can smell their grow when im near the front door sometimes. i just want to know if two carbon filters and a ozonator set up this way would cover a huge grow. i know my set up now is overboard but it works really good. i feel like one large air scrubber wouldnt work 100% when your sitting on a couple hundred plants. my question is do you think this design would work 100% or has anyone seen anything like it?


Well-Known Member
If set up right, you should have no smell with just one carbon filter. Get a higher cfm rated filter and set it up to where your filter is pulling air through it, not pushing. The reason your cab stinks when it's open is probably just do to a lack of back pressure from your fan being on low.

2 filters and an ozone generator would for sure take care of the smell. Just make sure your generator is outside of the room and away from people as it can be dangerous in large amounts.