Odor-running multiple carbon filters


New Member
Hey all

lets say im drying 3-4 pounds of dank medicine in a room and suppose i buy 5-6 carbon filters from the store put it in that room and seal it and ona pro blocks around the whole house would it still stink the room/house up?


Well-Known Member
You should only need 1 filter. You need to calculate cubic feet of the room and by a fan/filter rated accordingly. You must also keeps negative pressure in the room so the only air escaping is going through the filter.


Well-Known Member
technically, you can do whatever you want. but, your entire neighborhood will be able to tell you're drying 3-4 lbs of dank buds. the carbon filter by itself won't absorb the odor just sitting there in the room, you'll need a fan to pull air through it. with just ona, it will smell like weed and ona.


Well-Known Member
YOu dont need to vent the air from the carbon filter, just scrub the air witin the room you are drying, and keep it closed. One filter is enough.

Ona gel out a window will stink up the whole neighborhood like drying pot and ona gel.