

Well-Known Member
what is the best thing for odor i will be growing easy ryder in soil i believe and i live in an apartment.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Assuming you made the filter correctly and it's big enough for the size of room you'll be using it in, just a fan pulling air through that inside your growspace and blowing it out should be enough.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member

ive heard of people drilling holes in the lid and putting it back on depending on how much control you need they say they get up to eight weeks from one,e-bay


Well-Known Member
hmm i say for my type of gro stealth and small and all the ona gel should work prolly if i put it right infront of the exhaust


Well-Known Member
nice idea... i made a home made filter but i lysol and have an automatic scent dispenser very nice but i will need ona gel soon


New Member
look up roseman's diy homemade ona bucket. Basically you get 5 gal bucket place holes near top. ( obviously because ona be on bottom of bucket) Want to place holes all around the bucket. Go to lowe's or anywhere that carries soil moist, for some reason Home Depot in my area does not have it. Soil moist will prolong the smell and you wont be replacing the ona gel so much. Mix in a quarter of the ona gel or ona liquid. Mix it in really good stuff smells strong. Get a 9 inch or 10 inch round fan, and stick it in the bucket. I recommend a timer as this stuff is really strong. I have panda film that separates my grow area from the grow room.


New Member
Here some pics of my bucket. It was a blessing to find this fan, as I was about to spend 20 bucks on a 9 dollar fan to get it shipped, i guess they dont stock in winter. I found the fan in a random aisle sticking out..



New Member
I like to add by not making the same mistake as I did put the holes at least 4 inches higher.. That soil moist really does expand like crazy!! I mean wow! I add alot of water and it actually fluffed out with the ona gel to the first set of holes from the bottom of container! That stuff really does work.. I have a 200 dollar carbon filter never used just sitting waiting for any emergency smells.. ( i chose highly odouros plants) the ona stuff really seems to work great.


New Member
dude i wouldnt or roseman for that fact use it if i didnt. I think the fact I dont use a professional 200 dollar grade charcoal air filter speaks for itself.


New Member
Here is my carbon filter.. I also have the materials to make homemade carbon activated filters as well.. I just havent had a need ... the only smell i have is when i am in the 6x6 area where the plants are growing in.. the same room with the bucket.. outside that area i smell the ona stuff really really strong.


Well-Known Member
dude i wouldnt or roseman for that fact use it if i didnt. I think the fact I dont use a professional 200 dollar grade charcoal air filter speaks for itself.
Just asking bro from someone who has used it, because I can tell ya my house smells like a damn marijuana forest.


New Member
oops they didnt upload the pics! crap.. lol

no biggie bro i feel ya.. too many people run say something and dont put much thought into what they say. Not to be harsh and thats not directed towards you..

I know where your coming from.. and highly odourous plants need attention before any smell can detected by neighbors... Make you sure check my link on being a good neighbor.. lol

Anyways I dont know how you have it set up but i have a 9 x 10 room with 4 x5 closet. I have panda film apx 2 feet away from the closet which is kinda my walk in space. Temps are controlled by 12,000 btu portable ac. Fans are moving around and a air purifier.. I can only smell the weed when i walk in this part of the room.. sometimes i only smell the ona.

In grow room itself where the bucket is in, that room smells like ona.. no skunks smell.. I sugges you go with the bucket its cheap and great way to go... hopefully these pics i provide will show up. I also posted up the partition i created for the closet notice the black is on the outside. It really does a good job at keep temps ideal, and helps odors stay within grow op.



Well-Known Member
oops they didnt upload the pics! crap.. lol

no biggie bro i feel ya.. too many people run say something and dont put much thought into what they say. Not to be harsh and thats not directed towards you..

I know where your coming from.. and highly odourous plants need attention before any smell can detected by neighbors... Make you sure check my link on being a good neighbor.. lol

Anyways I dont know how you have it set up but i have a 9 x 10 room with 4 x5 closet. I have panda film apx 2 feet away from the closet which is kinda my walk in space. Temps are controlled by 12,000 btu portable ac. Fans are moving around and a air purifier.. I can only smell the weed when i walk in this part of the room.. sometimes i only smell the ona.

In grow room itself where the bucket is in, that room smells like ona.. no skunks smell.. I sugges you go with the bucket its cheap and great way to go... hopefully these pics i provide will show up. I also posted up the partition i created for the closet notice the black is on the outside. It really does a good job at keep temps ideal, and helps odors stay within grow op.
I only have 3 plants but whooo, can I smell the bud before I open up my front door. I've read up on some ona bucket threads and i'm definitely going to make one for my upcoming grow. I'm actually going to make 2 of them one for my living room and ones going right outside of my grow area. thanks for the input just wanted to hear from someone who has used them first hand. :peace:


New Member
no prop glad to help out dont forget to rep .. lol...

Yea same here i plan on using two bucket systems.. Although what I did for now was I drilled holes on top one lid, then I used unused portion of it and set in living room and had a fan over on top to help draw out the ona smell, really does work.. I say this though I recommend you putting it on a timer, its REALLY STRONG!

Try to add some plastic around grow room if your using a partion of the grow room.. this allowed me to have the odor stay within one spot and not migrate to other places of the house. Good luck, let me know if you have any questions.