Off to Alaska...


Well-Known Member
Well, only days before Gustav is supposed to hit I'm fleeing to the great white north... tomorrow I'll be on the way to my first medical mj state and I can't even begin to explain how excited I am to be able to grow legally! Maybe if enough interest is shown I'll hook up an RIU Glacier Cruise next summer, if anyone of you has ever been to Alaska you already know how beautiful it is, and it has the tallest mountain in the world (from base to summit it's taller than Everest) so those of you like myself who enjoy mountain climbing might even be interested in attempting Denali or many of the smaller mountains in the area. Hell, just in Anchorage there are tons of mountains to climb! Anyways, if anyone is up for some kayaking/hiking/what not and you live near Anch, get with me! Also, if anyone can teach me how to ski/snowboard... I'll love you forever.



Well-Known Member
Hey, ive been a ski instructor for 5 years! I cant wait until I can finally move to the north. With the field that im currently studying in college i should be easily able to land a job in north bc/Yukon.


Well-Known Member
Went all over Alaska for a few weeks one summer, a week on cruise ship and two on train/plane. Went up to Kotzebu, which was pretty wild, being above the artic..I think? circle. Enjoy though, man, its a cool place.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member

Hey Socata....

Have a safe journey! Make sure to take lots of pictures along the way so you can share with us all the crazy fun stuff you see along the way.

Remember.... once you get there... you gotta unpack all the crap you hauled with you.... haha... that's the worst part.

Stay safe and enjoy the journey :D



Well-Known Member
Good luck to you my friend. Alaska is a beautiful place, and if I can recommend one place to visit, it would be Denali Park. I had a great time up there last summer. I'd even consider taking up residence there in the future. Tell me how the winter goes for you. I've been told the lack of light can be a bit depressing sometimes! Best wishes!


Well-Known Member
I'm headed to Seward next weekend, was looking at the map and the drive down looks amazing. I do want to visit Denali before winter arrives, I just don't know how possible that is with all of the things I must get done before then, the snow comes next month...