Off topic - let's live dangerously today. What do you prefer for your coffee/ caffeine fix?

6 Luzianne tea bags in 8 cups water, boil for 5 minutes, let steep. Mix in 2 cups of sugar and stir to melt. Fill 1 gallon pitcher 3/4 up with ice. Pour your tea and sugar mix over ice, stir until ice melts. Top off with cold water. Welcome to paradise gentlemen :blsmoke:
Hell yeah weed and coffee now that's my jam!! K so a little background is in order. I suffer from an unknown disorder, we'll call syndrome x. This unfortunately has been difficult to diagnose and since I'm not made of money I don't see this happening any time soon. Syndrome x runs in my family the short of it, people tend to get diagnosed with neurological disorders, ie narcolepsy, or chronic fatigue ect.
Anywho after years of finding little to no energy from most coffees I started researching the science of coffee. Using the funnel filter is exactly the right move, and lighter roasts do contain more caffeine because the heating/roasting degrades the caffeine, and that's the same sort of reasoning as to not use water that is too hot as also suggested as well as flavor. Also the single source coffee is also the right suggestion because obviously it's all going to be the same or pretty similar so this can help with consistency.
Now here's some things I'd like to add in addition; grind your own beans, don't buy pre-ground. Also when grinding try not to over grind the beans. A courser grind will retain flavor, caffiene, and will filter better than a fine grind. Arabica coffee tends to have less caffeine on average because they have been chosen for flavor not how caffeine content. Choose a robusta coffee for higher caffeine content and the bonus is this is seen as a cheaper coffee so whole beans can be found pretty cheap. Again try to avoid blends, you don't want lesser caffeine beans mixed in.
My personal preference is to also use a fuck ton of beans and make the coffee strong as possible but because I usually use a light/lighter roast that keeps it drinkable.
All this said sometimes I drink espresso and other dark coffees and even blends but I'm sure you can understand enjoying different flavors. I never drink energy drink, EVER. They almost killed me, and I'm not even kidding here. Last thing I need is a flipping heartattack. Can't enjoy energy if you're dead.
Caffiene? I'm a coffee person. Now down to 3 cups/day from 4-6 cups/day. Grind my own so it's always fresh. I'm the only drinker in my house and found, even in 8 oz. bags, preground doesn't stay fresh long enough to finish the bag.

My absolute favorite brew used to be coffee shop Columbian Santos beans. When I was in Costa Rica, I fell in love with the local stuff. Supermarket coffee there is amazing. I prefer Cafe 1820 over Cafe Britt. If you want something more upscale there are single plantation Tarrazu's on the supermarket shelves as well. I'm not a big fan of "single origin" craft coffees. If I want something that tastes like grapefruit, I eat a fucking grapefruit.

I was unemployed this year and found, for cheap coffee, 8 O'Clock Coffee ain't half bad. As far as I'm concerned, it's the 100% Arabica value leader.

At home, if I want something that leans espresso, I use a Bialletti moka pot and if i want something milder, use an Aeropress . The Aeropress travels well.

Cocaine. I lived in Miami/Fort Lauderdale in the 80's. Cocaine was clean, cheap, and so plentiful, people used to give it away. Cocaine, fresh caught fish sandwiches and strippers. Life was good. When I started saving a bump so I could do my calculus homework on Sunday morning, I knew it was time to stop. Not the fish or the strippers....
And I have to chime in on energy drinks. I used to drink this Korean stuff called Bacchus D (D for Double). It predates Red Bull and is basically caffiene, taurine and sugar. Tastes like SweetTarts candy. Love the stuff.

One morning I skipped breakfast, downed a Bacchus D before work and 30 minutes later felt like my heart was going to explode. Only then did I realize I hadn't eaten dinner the night before. Fast forward 5 years and I developed atrial ectopic tachycardia. The only time I can legitimately say a Doc cured me of something. Was rolled into the OR with a resting hear rate of 120. Rolled out at 60. I can't prove they're related but....

In Korea the stuff is still called Bacchus F. Mix one Bacchus F and 3 shots of your favorite call brand bourbon and you have an "F-Bomb". Best when shared with friends.
Fuckin magine! Nice little speedball you got going on there. What's the codeine for?

Bad back and getting into a functional state, mind and body.

It's a habit, controlled most of the time except the odd blow out now and then.

It's a daily thing though, coffee, codeine and cannabis. Can't function other wise, I've tried a few times and within a few days I'm fucking horrible.
Bad back and getting into a functional state, mind and body.

It's a habit, controlled most of the time except the odd blow out now and then.

It's a daily thing though, coffee, codeine and cannabis. Can't function other wise, I've tried a few times and within a few days I'm fucking horrible.
I've been really fortunate not to have blown out my back with all the shit I've put my body through. Sounds like yours is somewhat manageable. I have friends who have ruined their backs being stermen on the back of a lobstering boat. Lots of heavy lifting there. Best of luck to you :peace:
Bad back and getting into a functional state, mind and body.

It's a habit, controlled most of the time except the odd blow out now and then.

It's a daily thing though, coffee, codeine and cannabis. Can't function other wise, I've tried a few times and within a few days I'm fucking horrible.

Codeine is some insanely addictive shit I also wouldn't be able to stop if I got into routine with it.

Rise @ 5-6 AM > Caffeine > Benzodiazepine > Cannabis > Work.
Codeine is some insanely addictive shit I also wouldn't be able to stop if I got into routine with it.

Rise @ 5-6 AM > Caffeine > Benzodiazepine > Cannabis > Work.

Like I say, sounds like a perfect start to the day and I'm like clockwork.

Control is the key and over a significant period of time I know precisely how every mg reacts on me.

I just have to control the daily mgs and sometimes a few days kinda go missing!!
A coffee machine is one of the best investments I’ve made.
Not only do I avoid the cup of scalding overpriced crap from pretentious kids who call themselves “barista’s”, I can pick my own beans, play with the grind and no cues!!!

Highly recommend the Vietnamese butter roasted beans if you can find them for something a little different from the arabica/robusta blends.
1 cup homemade cold brew (reduced to what I assume is around 100mg caffeine per 8oz) + 2.5mg adderall.
Me and psycho stimulants don't get along. Use to abuse adderall in my teens. I ate a whole 30 day script of 30mg xr's in 2 days. I remember staring at the red numbers on the clock next to my bed. My eyes didn't blink and all I could do is stare and watch the numbers change. Cold brew is some tasty stuff. I don't think I can handle the ride though. Bought a 16oz nitro cold brew from starbuck's and it was so smooth I downed it in a few minutes. I proceeded to shake and tweak out for the rest of the night. I'm cool with strong coffee and expresso, but that cold brew is some hardcore stuff.

Just opened a 5lb bag of Guatemalan whole bean dark roast. Nice and oily and the whole house smells great. I get it off eBay and bought some decaf from them too for the late morning brew. vilarimports is the seller on eBay
Man I love me some good coffee. I couldn't start my day without it. I'm cheap so I order the sams club house brand of columbian. I go through 5# every month so cost effectiveness is a necessity. I can't quite do something as bottom barrel as maxwell house but I can swerve some folgers black silk. I was dam surprised how tasty that stuff is. Smooth too. I never tried that Guatemalan variety but I've seen it before. How does it compare to columbian?
A coffee machine is one of the best investments I’ve made.
Not only do I avoid the cup of scalding overpriced crap from pretentious kids who call themselves “barista’s”, I can pick my own beans, play with the grind and no cues!!!

Highly recommend the Vietnamese butter roasted beans if you can find them for something a little different from the arabica/robusta blends.
A coffee machine is one of the best investments I’ve made.
Not only do I avoid the cup of scalding overpriced crap from pretentious kids who call themselves “barista’s”, I can pick my own beans, play with the grind and no cues!!!

I am philosophically against everything starbuck's represents. Barista? Give me a break. Fancy word for asshole that makes drinks. I've only patronized a starbuck's a handful of times my entire life. Every time I've gone in to any location it's filled with the most pretentious douche bags I've ever encountered in my life. It's like an entire sub culture of douchbaggery. Maybe in my next post I'll tell you how I really feel :)

Highly recommend the Vietnamese butter roasted beans if you can find them for something a little different from the arabica/robusta blends.

Viatnamese butter roasted? That sounds amazing. I need to step up my game man and try some new varieties.