Officer 420


Active Member
Had your roles been reversed, do you really think he would have left you alone? And where did he get the herb? He's a cop. I'd say there is about a 90% chance that he confiscated the green from somebody.


Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Had your roles been reversed, do you really think he would have left you alone? And where did he get the herb? He's a cop. I'd say there is about a 90% chance that he confiscated the green from somebody.
Well DUH! It is a given the cops always have the best weed. It's the ones who use it that makes them different from the rest. Some even grow it, and some firefighters also. The good ones who run into the line of fire or into a burning building to pull someone they don't know out, I will give them some smoke for that. It is the "do as I say and not as I do" fuckers that I hate.


Well-Known Member
Had your roles been reversed, do you really think he would have left you alone? And where did he get the herb? He's a cop. I'd say there is about a 90% chance that he confiscated the green from somebody.

Man that vid is hilarious....whoever that dude was he was seriously getting OFF!! :lol:


Active Member
Well DUH! It is a given the cops always have the best weed. It's the ones who use it that makes them different from the rest. Some even grow it, and some firefighters also. The good ones who run into the line of fire or into a burning building to pull someone they don't know out, I will give them some smoke for that. It is the "do as I say and not as I do" fuckers that I hate.
I definitely agree, but I also believe that the career choice of police officer attracts a certain type "do as I say not as I do" personality.

I've been as high as that dude in the video before, the difference being I knew that I was fucked up. Homemade brownies and a shitload of schwag made for a wild night. I thought my heart was beating too fast and thought I was gonna have a heart attack. If I could just get that high again...


Well-Known Member
I was out for a run yesterday afternoon. It was pretty cold by the beach (Vancouver) so there weren't many people around, but there was a strong odor that I could easily identify.

I looked around for the source, but there was only one person in sight, a cop sitting alone in his cop car. He had his window rolled all the way down (and it was damn cold) and he was puffing away with his head hanging out the window.

So I had a good laugh, and saw he was still there on the way back 20 minutes later. I had to cut across a park, but I ran up right in front of his car, just to confirm. Plus, I thought he might have something really good. He was still sort of hanging out the driver's window, so I gave him a slight wave to be all non-threatening.

He waved back like an excited three year old, gave me a huge, ebullient smile and a very hearty "HI! How are you?"

I was laughing too hard to stop and chat. Thought I'd share.
Was his name Officer Lahey? Was he on official undercover business? Was Randy around somewhere without a shirt?


Well-Known Member
I definitely agree, but I also believe that the career choice of police officer attracts a certain type "do as I say not as I do" personality.

I've been as high as that dude in the video before, the difference being I knew that I was fucked up. Homemade brownies and a shitload of schwag made for a wild night. I thought my heart was beating too fast and thought I was gonna have a heart attack. If I could just get that high again...
In Canada they seem to know the harmlessness of Marijuana especially when compared to something like beer. A friend of mine had an O of weed on him in Vanc and a cop found hsi weed on him, made him sit in the back of the cop car with his legs hanging out and made him smoke bowls of the weed. Then he let him go with his weed. Cops in Canada have a little more common sense and actually are professional enough to go after CRIME instead of good people.


Well-Known Member
In Canada they seem to know the harmlessness of Marijuana especially when compared to something like beer. A friend of mine had an O of weed on him in Vanc and a cop found hsi weed on him, made him sit in the back of the cop car with his legs hanging out and made him smoke bowls of the weed. Then he let him go with his weed. Cops in Canada have a little more common sense and actually are professional enough to go after CRIME instead of good people.
HAHA... I wish it was like that here.

"Sir, you'll need to sit in my car and smoke at least 3 joints before we can release you"


Well-Known Member
I hear ya! I worked the security guard part at a college dorm. Security guards is a whole different type of smell. They are the ones the cops would not accept and they have a chip on their shoulder. I didn't because I worked in the girls dorm...Sweet gig!
same over here, ive worked as a bouncer/doorman in nightclubs for about 10years and all the security guards around this way are the ppl who havent got the stuff to be a bouncer/doorman or who cant get into the police( even as a community support officer lmao) lol


Well-Known Member
HAHA... I wish it was like that here.

"Sir, you'll need to sit in my car and smoke at least 3 joints before we can release you"
In the end when police do things illegal we have a fiduciary duty to society to hold them personally and legally responsible. It is unfortunate, but it is our solemn duty as citizens of the United States of America.


Well-Known Member
In the end when police do things illegal we have a fiduciary duty to society to hold them personally and legally responsible. It is unfortunate, but it is our solemn duty as citizens of the United States of America.
We also have a fiduciary duty to do everything we can to ensure that the police who do Protect & Serve, and do aim their attention at protecting people directly and going after violent criminals, and criminals who steal get well taken care of. They are paid too little when they are truley doing what they can to make sure individual citizens live a better life. As much as I get mad at bad law enforcement, I do have to remember I know a lot of really really quality good law enforcement who do have the strength to be legit... however it bugs me when I remember seeing a policewoman blackmail my boss in front of me once to protect a guy who on camera broke business property and stole thousands of dollars just cause she knew the guy.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
In the end when police do things illegal we have a fiduciary duty to society to hold them personally and legally responsible. It is unfortunate, but it is our solemn duty as citizens of the United States of America.
OK, I can respect that premise, so following that reasoning you should have no problem when any officer busts your for simple possession of matter how small the amount or petty the crime because they have a fiduciary duty to society to hold you personally and legally responsible.
An officer looking the other way would be wrong because your wrong and he has a duty to take you in. It can swing both ways brother.


Well-Known Member
OK, I can respect that premise, so following that reasoning you should have no problem when any officer busts your for simple possession of matter how small the amount or petty the crime because they have a fiduciary duty to society to hold you personally and legally responsible.
An officer looking the other way would be wrong because your wrong and he has a duty to take you in. It can swing both ways brother.
An officer looking at a pot user when there are robberies, violence, and victim crime happening is also a break of that duty.... Especially when i'm legal!

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
An officer looking at a pot user when there are robberies, violence, and victim crime happening is also a break of that duty.... Especially when i'm legal!
Point taken, but your not actually "legal" until the feds changes the scheduling to schedule 2. Your in a "grey" area. The local law enforcement should be following local and state laws and yes, should leave you alone if your following the state and local laws. But don't think for a min. that your actually legal. If feds get involved, the local enforcement will be working side by side with them to take someone down.


Well-Known Member
Point taken, but your not actually "legal" until the feds changes the scheduling to schedule 2. Your in a "grey" area. The local law enforcement should be following local and state laws and yes, should leave you alone if your following the state and local laws. But don't think for a min. that your actually legal. If feds get involved, the local enforcement will be working side by side with them to take someone down.
I would say using resources to go after a medical pot smoker who does everything they can to be as legal as possible for their medicine would be a step below using resources to sit by crosswalks and wait for people to step outside the xwalk and leap to arrest them for Jay Walking. Given nobody has a license to do that of any sort. But I get your point. I do hold government to a higher standard then people tho, because people are supposed to define the standard by which government operates, being that in America the government is the property of the public. For the people by the people. Government corruption in america almost always leads to violence and crime by those who got screwed over in the corruption, because when people can't rely on their government to protect them they usually mistake that they need to protect themselves any other way possible if the government isn't there to help.


Well-Known Member
My gf works with a guy training to become a cop and he said he smokes joints all the time with cops not just in training but cops that are on duty. The weed they confiscate doesn't even end up in evidence if you know what I mean xD


Well-Known Member
My gf works with a guy training to become a cop and he said he smokes joints all the time with cops not just in training but cops that are on duty. The weed they confiscate doesn't even end up in evidence if you know what I mean xD
Being high while on duty as any kind of LEO just isn't worth it IMO. Could cost you your life real quick if something serious was to go down.