OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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A few pages back AK posted about the PM to all entered, and what to do about confirming your entry.
Better read it.;-)


Hey guys, I apologize for being a little absent latley. I was on vacation from the 1st to the 9th and have just gotten back today. When I got home I was very disapointed to learn I had a virus on my computer. It kept me from doing ANYTHING at all on my computer, let alone accessing my internet connection. However, A good friend of mine came over today and fixed me all up and my computer is now up and running ALL GOOD. :) I just want to let everyone know a few things to all the late entries and stuff like that....I have NO PROBLEM with people entering late, IT IS OK!! however there are a few things I need you ALL to do. First off. Please go to the autoflower sub forum (the same as this thread is in) and read the AUTOFLOWER SOLO CUP CONTEST RULES AND GUIDELINES. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to post them here OR PM me personally and I will get to them ASAP. Since i was out of commision since early last week there are probably around 20-30 questions I have NOT answered. PLEASE rest assured that I WILL GET TO YOUR QUESTION HERE ON THIS THREAD. I am a very busy person and with basically just me manning this entire thing it will take me a little while to get to your question but please be patient and know that I WILL GET TO IT. If for some reason i do miss it, please dont hesitate to PM me and re-ask your question, I will not be offended. I am only one dude and I miss shit, I make mistakes and I may miss one or two but please know that I WILL be going back to around the 1st of august and reading each and every post on this thread and answering ALL of the questions and concerns that anyone has. The contest technically started on 7/29 but i have let some late entries in. However I will be closing registration for this contest within 72 hours of this post (3days)...We have ALOT of entries and while im not sure of the total number right now I will be going back and checking each and every person who said they wanted to enter and i will be messaging you for confirmation of your entry. If you receive this PM from me and do not reply YOU WILL NOT BE ON THE ENTRY LIST. PLEASE BE VIGILANT OF MY PM WHEN YOU DO RECEIVE IT AND ANSWER PROMPTLY...IT MAY TAKE ME A FEW DAYS TO GET TO EVERYONE AND PM ALL OF YOU BUT PLEASE KNOW THAT I WILL BE MESSAGING EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT SAID THEY ENTERED. if you do not receive a PM from me asking for your confirmation BEFORE AUGUST 21 2013 please do not be offended as I may have made a mistake and missed you. Please feel free to message me and let me know of my mistake and we WILL get it sorted I PROMISE. I want to welcome EVERYONE who is entering and I hope we can make this contest awesome for us all (including people watching)

Again for all new entrants please go back and read the STICKY that is THE AUTOFLOWER SOLO CUP CONTEST RULES AND GUIDELINES. this will give you a basic idea of what we are doing here and the type of show we are going to run. I want this to run as smoothly as possible and I really hope it does but as with anything there will be hiccups along the way, all I ask is you please be patient with me and remember that me and ALL OF THE JUDGES DO THIS STUFF OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF OUR HEARTS AND NOTHING MORE. ALL I CARE ABOUT IS EVERYONE HAS A FUN TIME AND MAYBE MAKE SOME FRIENDS ALONG THE WAY!

Now, there are probably things that I missed that I wanted to say and didnt so please check this thread periodically to make sure you get most of the messages I put out there because in the end it will just make it easier for ALL OF US.

AS FAR AS POSTING PICTURES AND INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ENTRIES: we dont need a huge journal and 100s of pictures. a few short lines about what your growing and how your doing it will suffice. 1 or 2 pics every few weeks is MORE than enough from everyone. Just be sure to have clear pictures of your entries so that in the end the judges AND the members of RIU can make a good, clear, concise decision on the winners of the contest. im not going to restrict how much pics or info you give as that would not be pro-active to what we are doing here...feel free to include as many pics as you want and as much info that you want. All I ask is that you please update us at least one time every 2-3 weeks so we can at least see your entry in the seedling stage, the veg stage, final flower stage and end. that is all...if you post 4 pictures with the name of the strain that is MORE THAN ENOUGH to be judged on. without this info judges and members will not be able to make a good choice on your entry so please remember that. I hope i answered alot of questions with this post but I WILL be going back and answering individual questions here as time allows me to do so. I will also be posting this exact post a few times on this thread over the next few days that way all the members and entries will be able to read this post and hopefully understand what the hell is going on here. I know its a long thread and I know it can get confusing but i will really do my absolute best to make sure no one is left in the dark, please bare with me :)





Well-Known Member
you know that perlite has fertilizer in it ?
and ya that moisture control is kinda hot for a baby
Thanks man, and yes, I do know.
I was worried at first, but after several plants, all diff. strains, the first 2 in plain moisture control, the next with MG soil and MG perlite (about 35%) and no burning (that's how I germ my seeds), 100% 5 for 5 in MG so far), and then this in plain soil that I picked up one afternoon when I wasn't sure if I had soil at home or not.


I am sorry again for the long and confusing post but this is really the only and the best way for me to get this info out to as many people as I can and honestly i would think if you want to be in this you will at least take the time to read my shitty ass posts. I have some other work to do to get this shit situated so i will be back a little later to answer some questions and stuff like that.




i use moisture control too. ive never had a problem with starting anything in it but then again, i do make sure the soil is sopping wet and then let it get bone dry before adding water again. washes out some nutes but leaves enough for a few good weeks of growth without the burn.


Well-Known Member
i use moisture control too. ive never had a problem with starting anything in it but then again, i do make sure the soil is sopping wet and then let it get bone dry before adding water again. washes out some nutes but leaves enough for a few good weeks of growth without the burn.
For those paranoid newbs that have heard "Don't use MG soil", you can sit and waste time and pick out the fertilizer balls if you want.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
For those paranoid newbs that have heard "Don't use MG soil", you can sit and waste time and pick out the fertilizer balls if you want.:mrgreen:
I thought it was just the plant food. which still works to grow and flower bud. lol Believe me I've done it. do NOT try that at home. lol


Well-Known Member
I thought it was just the plant food. which still works to grow and flower bud. lol Believe me I've done it. do NOT try that at home. lol
When I first started using it for weed, I then noticed the little clear balls that would float up to the top, but for veggies, I never paid attention.
I could give a shit less, but I was a newb IMO at that time, and wondered why everybody bashed MG.


Well-Known Member
That's what I did. haha MG soil and nutes from walmart. I didn't know how cheap it really was for good nutes I thought i'd be spending like $200 for something shitty. and then I took my FIRST trip to a grow shop and HOLY FUCK I want this and this and this and this and this....


Well-Known Member
i havent had luck with it plants are less demanding in low light situations
i ran cfl's for years recently got some led's got irritated and bought a 400w cooltube after poor led results
ive had zero luck with just dropping a auto bean in final potting mix without using a handful of starter
hard to feed them consistently when the soil is dumping nutes too just my oppinion


Well-Known Member
i havent had luck with it plants are less demanding in low light situations
i ran cfl's for years recently got some led's got irritated and bought a 400w cooltube after poor led results
ive had zero luck with just dropping a auto bean in final potting mix without using a handful of starter
hard to feed them consistently when the soil is dumping nutes too just my oppinion
I just talked to someone today, tried a T5, but was wanting to go back to a CFL setup.


for all you late comers, this is a REPEATED POST from the previous page just so entrants will not miss it!!! :)


Hey guys, I apologize for being a little absent latley. I was on vacation from the 1st to the 9th and have just gotten back today. When I got home I was very disapointed to learn I had a virus on my computer. It kept me from doing ANYTHING at all on my computer, let alone accessing my internet connection. However, A good friend of mine came over today and fixed me all up and my computer is now up and running ALL GOOD. I just want to let everyone know a few things to all the late entries and stuff like that....I have NO PROBLEM with people entering late, IT IS OK!! however there are a few things I need you ALL to do. First off. Please go to the autoflower sub forum (the same as this thread is in) and read the AUTOFLOWER SOLO CUP CONTEST RULES AND GUIDELINES. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to post them here OR PM me personally and I will get to them ASAP. Since i was out of commision since early last week there are probably around 20-30 questions I have NOT answered. PLEASE rest assured that I WILL GET TO YOUR QUESTION HERE ON THIS THREAD. I am a very busy person and with basically just me manning this entire thing it will take me a little while to get to your question but please be patient and know that I WILL GET TO IT. If for some reason i do miss it, please dont hesitate to PM me and re-ask your question, I will not be offended. I am only one dude and I miss shit, I make mistakes and I may miss one or two but please know that I WILL be going back to around the 1st of august and reading each and every post on this thread and answering ALL of the questions and concerns that anyone has. The contest technically started on 7/29 but i have let some late entries in. However I will be closing registration for this contest within 72 hours of this post (3days)...We have ALOT of entries and while im not sure of the total number right now I will be going back and checking each and every person who said they wanted to enter and i will be messaging you for confirmation of your entry. If you receive this PM from me and do not reply YOU WILL NOT BE ON THE ENTRY LIST. PLEASE BE VIGILANT OF MY PM WHEN YOU DO RECEIVE IT AND ANSWER PROMPTLY...IT MAY TAKE ME A FEW DAYS TO GET TO EVERYONE AND PM ALL OF YOU BUT PLEASE KNOW THAT I WILL BE MESSAGING EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT SAID THEY ENTERED. if you do not receive a PM from me asking for your confirmation BEFORE AUGUST 21 2013 please do not be offended as I may have made a mistake and missed you. Please feel free to message me and let me know of my mistake and we WILL get it sorted I PROMISE. I want to welcome EVERYONE who is entering and I hope we can make this contest awesome for us all (including people watching)

Again for all new entrants please go back and read the STICKY that is THE AUTOFLOWER SOLO CUP CONTEST RULES AND GUIDELINES. this will give you a basic idea of what we are doing here and the type of show we are going to run. I want this to run as smoothly as possible and I really hope it does but as with anything there will be hiccups along the way, all I ask is you please be patient with me and remember that me and ALL OF THE JUDGES DO THIS STUFF OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF OUR HEARTS AND NOTHING MORE. ALL I CARE ABOUT IS EVERYONE HAS A FUN TIME AND MAYBE MAKE SOME FRIENDS ALONG THE WAY!

Now, there are probably things that I missed that I wanted to say and didnt so please check this thread periodically to make sure you get most of the messages I put out there because in the end it will just make it easier for ALL OF US.

AS FAR AS POSTING PICTURES AND INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ENTRIES: we dont need a huge journal and 100s of pictures. a few short lines about what your growing and how your doing it will suffice. 1 or 2 pics every few weeks is MORE than enough from everyone. Just be sure to have clear pictures of your entries so that in the end the judges AND the members of RIU can make a good, clear, concise decision on the winners of the contest. im not going to restrict how much pics or info you give as that would not be pro-active to what we are doing here...feel free to include as many pics as you want and as much info that you want. All I ask is that you please update us at least one time every 2-3 weeks so we can at least see your entry in the seedling stage, the veg stage, final flower stage and end. that is all...if you post 4 pictures with the name of the strain that is MORE THAN ENOUGH to be judged on. without this info judges and members will not be able to make a good choice on your entry so please remember that. I hope i answered alot of questions with this post but I WILL be going back and answering individual questions here as time allows me to do so. I will also be posting this exact post a few times on this thread over the next few days that way all the members and entries will be able to read this post and hopefully understand what the hell is going on here. I know its a long thread and I know it can get confusing but i will really do my absolute best to make sure no one is left in the dark, please bare with me



Well-Known Member
are you going to start a new thread once you have a list of all the people entering for photos and updates?

technical dan

Active Member
My Thai I don't think made it, the seed was barely popped and i had my doubts while planting.
You may want to look for it under the dirt. I gave up on mine and then found it with one green and one shriveled cotyledon ..... dont know how itll do but its still alive for now.

and then the cbd widow


are you going to start a new thread once you have a list of all the people entering for photos and updates?
mrblu i very may well start a new thread for the updates and photos of the entrants. i have not decided yet, what do you guys think? I will decide in the coming week if i want to do that but all input is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Day 22 PE Express, the cup looks more healthy than the bucket girls.

13-08-10_d25_PE 001riu.jpg13-08-10_d25_PE 003riu.jpg

A friend popped a bunch of Hawaiian random seeds I had acquired and it looks like one is a "90 Wonder" male. It is an old auto strain, that was based on the original Mighty Mite in the late 80's. Plan on dusting one of the bucket girls.


Reason I have to grow autos outdoors even though it got down to 45 degrees last night.... There's just no room

13-08-02_d46_B11 024.jpg13-08-02_d46_B11 018.jpg

One last note, I've been growing with CRF for more than 3yrs now not MG products. I've mainly used Scotts Osmocote products. What can I say the shit works, and I spend less than $1 per plant. The current in photo is OC+


ctfu the hating on the MG is hilarious. seriously though lol. i use it because im broke as hell and it was free lol. why not right? i usually just dig from a nearby park and just water on 12/12. imtotally new to this and just seeing what i can do. ive read most of you guys grows. its an honor to compete with some of you.
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