Well-Known Member
Ho yeah i love gaia green !Care to share recipe ? Guna do that next run
Product i use
-promix hp
-Gaia green 4-4-4
-Gaia green 2-8-4
-Worm casting
-Tap water no need to ph mine at 7,3ph
From clone straight in 5 gallon fabric pot
DRAGON PUNCH last harvest

Sleeping girl 25 days in the 5 gallon !
Each 5 gallon off promix hp add 1 cup off gaia 444 and half cup off worm casting. And then tap water until the under pot hold a bit off water and mix it in Well at the same time that you water the medium.
Its good to have big under pot and To have a little extra water in it that mean that all the soil is wet no dry spot.
After 2 to 3 Week topdress gaia green 444 1/4cup and 284 1/4Cup and worm casting 1/4cup
After 1 week i flip 12/12 and i top dress at week 2 and 5 off flowering gaia green 444 1/4 cup and 284 1/4cup .
Then i harvest at week 9 or a bit more


Last harvest Dragon punch ...real dragon !Lol
No need for luck with that recipe and dont add nothing else !