You may not overtake and pass another vehicle which is moving at less than 20 mph on a grade (outside a business or residential district) unless you can pass that vehicle at least 10 mph faster than it is travelling and the pass can be completed within 1/4 mile (CVC §2175

. You must not follow the vehicles listed below any closer than 300 feet. The rule does not apply during overtaking and passing, when there are 2 or more lanes for traffic in each direction, or in a business or residential district (CVC §21704).
- A motor truck or truck tractor having 3 or more axles.
- Any motor truck or truck tractor towing any other vehicle.
- A passenger vehicle or bus towing any other vehicle.
- A school bus transporting any school pupil.
- A farm labor vehicle when transporting passengers.
- A vehicle transporting explosives.
- A trailer bus.
When large vehicles are being driven in caravan on the open highway, at least 100 feet must be left between them to allow other vehicles to overtake and pass them (CVC §21705).
Okay, so this is what I understand, a truck driver was recently cited near me for following another truck too closely, I believe the two trucks were owned by one company. Look out if you head West.