OFFICIAL Mit Romney Thread


Active Member
There seems to be a lot of hatred for all the Ron Paul threads. I thought this was kind of odd as this is a political forum and he is a politician running for the political position of President. He also currently holds the political title as Congressman.

So I figured in the argument of "fairishness" we should have other candidates represented.

The feeling I get from all the complaints is that there is just as much positive media and writting by the other candidates, but none of their supporters want to post it for some unapperant reason that no one wants to disclose.

I was going to start the OFFICIAL Rick Santorum Thread but I was laughing so hard by the time I finished typing the title I realized I had to delete it as the troll accusations would be merciless.

But to all you Rick Santorum fans please feel free to start a thread.

Anyway, so lets have at it all you closet Romney lovers...


Active Member
I am finding it very difficult to get a hold of pro-romney stuff that isnt paid for by MItt Romney but I will keep trying.......


Well-Known Member
Romney is alright but i never heard him speak with enthusiasm. Its like he is just giving a middle school book report.


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6801140 said:
I am from Massachusetts, Romney sucks ass, likes to make his own dog shit on the roof of his car.


Active Member
LOL , that is just a slightly different version of what really happened. ..... funny movie.....Aunt is awesome also.

"Poor little guy, prolly kept up with ya for a mile or so"......... lol


Well-Known Member
Problem with Romney is that he has flip flopped on so many issues in his career that it is hard to know which way he would govern.

In addition to the fact that he invented Romneycare which Obamacare was modeled after.

I think he might try to fix it rather than get rid of it.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Romney is a person that will send YOUR kid to war. He didn't go nor did his kids. His daddy ran AMC (the car defunct company) and probably bought Mittens a pony on every birhtday. Romney is a douchebag and wants to jail pot users.
He thinks he can run your life better than you. Did I mention he's a douchbag? Oh he's a douchebag.


Well-Known Member
Why I can't back Romney.

He supported the Brady bill (but joined the NRA in 06 and claimed to be a life long hunter)
He was pro choice, then flopped to pro life
He supports "enhanced interrogation techniques"
He dodged the draft like a coward
He is only for equal rights if you aren't gay
He supports the drug war

Thats just to name a few. That guy is so wrong for America I think I'd rather have Obama if that was my only two choices, and that fucking hurts saying that. There was one more thing, oh yeah, Ron Paul. woot woot.


Well-Known Member
I can't watch Romney without wanting to wipe that little sneer/1/4 smile off his face with the back side of a shovel. Pandering man whore.