Was in the fuel lane just a minute ago and was my turn to pull forward

Holy crap this Love's is busy AF! Not even 3pm and this place is packed already, I didn't think was going to get a spot lol

I only got a couple good pics, but dang, this part of Pennsylvania is absolutely beautiful. This only my second time coming here, first time nothing exciting was just a relay about 20 minutes past the Ohio/Penn border.

I'm just off I-76 right now and what a sweet ride it's been seeing the mountains and rural area, seen some awesome looking farms and farmhouses. I drove through a tunnel right through Alleghany mountain!....but I didn't get a pic because there was a state trooper running next to me lol

Here is some other tunnels through the mountains here though

Kittatinny Mountain

About 1/4 mile after you pop out of Kittatinny mtn, you go into Blue mountain

Here's coming out of Blue mtn
Wiso's if you can. You will be happy and full ;)

Wisos doesn't look too far away from where my delivery is

Delivery is the checkered flag and Wisos is the blue point just below my delivery

Couple things though, their website say they're out of crab and they will probably not be open yet by the time I get unloaded and have to move on, I have a 6am delivery appt and will probably be unloaded before 7am lol
Wisos doesn't look too far away from where my delivery is

Delivery is the checkered flag and Wisos is the blue point just below my delivery
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Couple things though, their website say they're out of crab and they will probably not be open yet by the time I get unloaded and have to move on, I have a 6am delivery appt and will probably be unloaded before 7am lol

Damn. I haven't been there since before covid....so it's been some time. We've got some family down there. Hopefully you can get to go when they're open and have lots of crabs. Keep it on your radar when there. We always bring a bunch home.........leftovers are good for the compost too :)
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Made it back to the same truckstop again tonight, did my delivery in New Castle, DE and then up to a Del Monte plant in Gloucester City, NJ to get my backhaul, it's just some apple juice concentrate.

So here's the ugly side of my job, these are the kind of drivers I have to deal with out here daily, at truckstops, at shippers/recievers and worst of all ...on the road

6pm busy AF, everyone rolling in to find a parking spot and here comes this professional and parks directly across from me. Going to be fun for me trying to get out in the morning, his tail is hanging out 6ft into the aisle. Or when he tries to leave he's going to back into me trying to get out, because guaranteed another truck will come park next to him and he won't have enough room to wiggle out without hitting me or one of the trucks parked next to me


But wait there's more!

Here's his trailer, looks to me like someone wasn't paying attention and hit something low, possibly a bridge or who knows

I'm in Dayton, OH for the night, got a pickup 3 miles from where I'm at right now at 630am tomorrow. I'm at the Love's just off I75

Anyways, I just put a skull sticker on my truck

This last Tuesday I was in Detroit at Better Made potato chip company and these guys hooked me up with a bunch of free chips and a bag of popcorn

I just bought this sweet TORNADO FAN for in my truck, this fan kicks ass! 12V plug in with adjustable fan speed
I'm in Dayton, OH for the night, got a pickup 3 miles from where I'm at right now at 630am tomorrow. I'm at the Love's just off I75

Anyways, I just put a skull sticker on my truck
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This last Tuesday I was in Detroit at Better Made potato chip company and these guys hooked me up with a bunch of free chips and a bag of popcorn
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I just bought this sweet TORNADO FAN for in my truck, this fan kicks ass! 12V plug in with adjustable fan speed
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Probably won't run over weight with bags of chips...
Ok guys, haven't posted in this thread for a while, soooo

Bored as hell tonight, I'm in a bad spot right now and have all night lol

Stranded at a customer in Baltimore, got here this morning and they will not unload their freight, been sitting here all day trying to find a cartage company to take this off my trailer so I can get a backhaul to Michigan.

You guys might like this lol
Thought about dropping my trailer here at the customer and bobtail to the casino in Baltimore, I'm only 10 miles away from it and look at this route my GPS app gives me.....

Ok great, but zoom in for a closer look and look at the bottom....
Ok guys, haven't posted in this thread for a while, soooo

Bored as hell tonight, I'm in a bad spot right now and have all night lol

Stranded at a customer in Baltimore, got here this morning and they will not unload their freight, been sitting here all day trying to find a cartage company to take this off my trailer so I can get a backhaul to Michigan.

You guys might like this lol
Thought about dropping my trailer here at the customer and bobtail to the casino in Baltimore, I'm only 10 miles away from it and look at this route my GPS app gives me.....
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Ok great, but zoom in for a closer look and look at the bottom....
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LOL gps sucks!
I got a new truck too


Some odd n ends in my truck, I finally have an APU on this truck, my old truck didn't, no more idling all night. This Thermo King unit kicks ass, I can get it hot enough in my cab to sit around in my underwear. I just might do that tonight for fun. The Tri Pac sips fuel from my main tanks and is super efficient, it heats and cools I love it
I got a new truck too
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Some odd n ends in my truck, I finally have an APU on this truck, my old truck didn't, no more idling all night. This Thermo King unit kicks ass, I can get it hot enough in my cab to sit around in my underwear. I just might do that tonight for fun. The Tri Pac sips fuel from my main tanks and is super efficient, it heats and cools I love it
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That'll probably pay for itself just in fuel. I bet not having all the extra hrs on the rest of it are gonna help too.
Inside of my truck passenger side, plenty of water in reach and always have a bag of Goldfish cheddar and pretzel to snack on

Sweet LED lighting in the cab

I bought these heavy duty 3 piece floor mats for my truck because I can't stand it when the floor gets dirty. I like to keep my truck nice and clean and when I'm staying out, at the end of the day I take my boots off in the truck, so I like it clean in here

There is a fold up telescopic ladder to get on the top bunk, my old truck you had to stand on my bed to get on the top bunk, HELL NO! lol

Here is my bunk nice and clean and always made, I don't like a messy bed

LED reading lights at each end of my bunk20220103_171158.jpg

My fridge and microwave
That'll probably pay for itself just in fuel. I bet not having all the extra hrs on the rest of it are gonna help too.
Yes the APU rocks! That unit is so efficient, I run it all night and the fuel guage in the truck doesn't even move at all. Plus when I'm at the yard I turn it on lowest setting and let it run all night and get into a warm truck in the morning, also no snow on the windshield any more
Oh yeah i got this belt I wanted to tell you guys about too, it is the best belt ever I am 100% satisfied with it

It's from a company called Groove Life and made in USA in Tennessee. It's made from some kind of stretch material so it doesn't ever need adjusting throughout the the day and has a super secure magnetic buckle. They have so many different colors and buckle combos, I got the Mossy Oak belt and gunmetal buckle combo

Check it out


And there is plenty of extra material to find the perfect fit

I got a new truck too
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Some odd n ends in my truck, I finally have an APU on this truck, my old truck didn't, no more idling all night. This Thermo King unit kicks ass, I can get it hot enough in my cab to sit around in my underwear. I just might do that tonight for fun. The Tri Pac sips fuel from my main tanks and is super efficient, it heats and cools I love it
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Nice, that Thermo King is slick. What trans, is it a I-shift? Just asking, I see more and more "Allison true automatic with a TC" and some eaton auto shifts. Not much on the M shift or I shift. Good luck with the new rig, change your coolant regularly.
Aren't interstate trucks required to carry chains? Saw a video of trucks stuck on I 95. I know they check trucks for chains in the winter going over the Sierra's.
When my GF lived in VA she said they would be shut down for 4-6 days after a snowstorm because they don't have plow trucks. She being from the northeast would always have AWD/4WD and she would joke because it did not matter none of the stores could open.