Traffic's a bitch around here! Give yourself plenty of time


I'm just a local driver (Michigan, Indiana and Ohio - mostly Michigan), I don't get out west. That's probably going to change next year late spring or early summer. There's a another driver here at my shop that does OTR, we seem to get along pretty well. We can run team and make some serious cash. Running team we can take a load and leave the yard in Michigan and be in California in 50 hours. Get loaded in California and haul ass back home, take our 34 hour reset and head out again.
I used my fuel reward points from the truck stop I fuel at to get this Rand McNally truckers GPS

This GPS is bad ass, it's 100x better than my Garmin Dezl trucker GPS

The Rand McNally runs on an Android os, it has so much more detail to routes. I can search by address or business name. When I put in an address/business, it creates 2 routes (fastest and alternative) in about 1 second, it's super fast. Same with re-routing, if I pass my street or exit, it re-routes within a second or two. The GPS has WiFi and Bluetooth, I can use my phone as a hotspot and connect to the Rand McNally and get live traffic/construction/weather info for my route. This also has the entire Motor Carriers Road Atlas in it, every state.
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Are CB's still used?

Breaker breaker what's your 20?

I'm getting a CB soon within the next few days. I'm buying one from one of the guys at my shop, he doesn't use it anymore. I don't know much about CB's, but this one I'm buying is apparently modified or "boosted". Ok, when you buy a new CB from the manufacturer or out of a store, they're made to legally transmit at only
4 watts, unless the CB has SSB (single side band) those can legally transmit at 12 watts.

This modified CB he's selling me runs at 20 watts, outlaw style lol. The CB is a Cobra 29 series. Now I have to find an antenna and good coax cable, I'm looking online right now. Once I get everything and get it installed I'll have to tune the antenna to the radio. I'm not decided yet if I'm getting a center load antenna or just one of those fiberglass antennas

Anyways, I'll get some pics of the CB once I get it and I'll do pics of the installation and finished install

I can't wait I'm pretty excited

Over and out
Breaker breaker what's your 20?

I'm getting a CB soon within the next few days. I'm buying one from one of the guys at my shop, he doesn't use it anymore. I don't know much about CB's, but this one I'm buying is apparently modified or "boosted". Ok, when you buy a new CB from the manufacturer or out of a store, they're made to legally transmit at only
4 watts, unless the CB has SSB (single side band) those can legally transmit at 12 watts.

This modified CB he's selling me runs at 20 watts, outlaw style lol. The CB is a Cobra 29 series. Now I have to find an antenna and good coax cable, I'm looking online right now. Once I get everything and get it installed I'll have to tune the antenna to the radio. I'm not decided yet if I'm getting a center load antenna or just one of those fiberglass antennas

Anyways, I'll get some pics of the CB once I get it and I'll do pics of the installation and finished install

I can't wait I'm pretty excited

Over and out
Keep a sharp lookout for Kojak with a Kodak
à propos absolutely nothing, I'm curious if commercial drivers have a special liking for Diesel strains ...

I have enjoyed diesel strains when I used to smoke....

I can't smoke any more though, I have to take randoms for my company (my company does follicle test) and the DOT/FMCSA (they only do piss tests). I've only had to take one so far though. Yes, I do miss smoking weed a little bit.
Here's my CB. Cobra 29 LTD it has illuminated face/controls

Just got it this morning, I'll put it in soon as I find time

Going to just hook it up to the stock antenna that is already in my truck for now. I'll be installing the CB above my dash out of the way, I don't like clutter and stuff on my dash.
Oh man

I am in my first ever safety inspection checkpoint and there is about 20 state cops here these guys are crawling around on creepers looking underneath trailers and they have a portable scale setup here too

I'm just waiting my turn wish me luck lol no violations today please and thank you
This thread can be for anything, but since I'm a truck driver, I'm going to post all kinds of trucking industry related things.

It's 430am I'm getting ready to leave for work and today I'm going up to Karnemaat Farms in Fremont, MI to deliver a truck load of apples that one of our OTR drivers just came in with earlier this morning from the west coast (probably Oregon or Washington).

I just got off the phone with my dispatcher and he said this delivery is going to be something I've never seen before. Apparently, the apples were loaded loose in the trailer and when I get to this farm, I'll pull my trailer onto some kind of lift/ramp and unhook, then watch while they tip the trailer nose up to the sky and empty all the apples out of the tail....

This should be interesting

Pics later today.....
Get er done!