official scorecard

No not neccesary. You never say anything actually worth reading. I was just trying to show how ignorant and shallow your opinion about people can be.

Sorry I don't post any pro tRUmp stuff so I understand why you don't like my postings. 98% of your postings are about your colon,your fat wife and how mean people are to you and your fat wife,not very interesting or political.
Sorry I don't post any pro tRUmp stuff so I understand why you don't like my postings. 98% of your postings are about your colon,your fat wife and how mean people are to you and your fat wife,not very interesting or political.

That’s because the panicking goof balls in here keep asking me about those things.

When I post to topic that’s all I get back.

You jump right on their pathetic bandwagon.
You’ve failed to provide any evidence for that claim ever

It is being discussed to compile a petition against you to send to your sponsor. You pissed off an awful lot of people while you bought you were safe behind your computer.

You have seriously messed up Buck. Well if your virtual addiction is important to you.

It’s obvious the best thing for you is to quit.
You should be the guy holding the swing signs for bucky while he tries to sell them pizzas. Culture them up with some American marketing schemes. Im sure it will end well.

Not all cultures should combine, hence why multiculturalism cant be an across the boards blanket. Some cultures need literal oceans between others. Its ingrained into their culture to not allow outsiders. To force multiculturalism on such a people would be literally destroying their culture.
Good, if the culture to which a solipsist such as yourself would be referring to
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