70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
Are you sure you are growing mj? I agree 2.3 is high-ish but 0.8EC (400ppm) in that stage is extremely low.
I went to school before the "new math". In my world 800 ppm is .8 EC. No worries though, there will always be confusion on that stuff. The plants will be the judge if they are happy or not.


Well-Known Member
I went to school before the "new math". In my world 800 ppm is .8 EC. No worries though, there will always be confusion on that stuff.
Not worried nor confused :) I'm not aware of the scale factor you use though, are you confused with ppt or g/l perhaps? There is the 0.5 factor and the 0.7 factor, I'd be interested to hear more about the one you are using. Unless specified otherwise it's usually the 0.5.

Just fyi:

I agree the plants will be the judge, and 800 ppm (1.6 EC) can be enough for that stage, some can/want/need a bit more.


Well-Known Member
Well, all I can say is take a look at anyone of my 20 some strains going now. Pics speak for themself. Hadn't had a bit of problems running the OG#18, nor any of the other strains. Can't say that 4 when I 1st started 11+ years or so ago.. lol ;)


Active Member
Two seperate bottles purchased at grow store. 1 x Ca and 1 x Mg. Added in half strength recommended blend yesterday afternoon. Why keep the PH at 5.8-5.9? You mentioned Ca & Mg lockout so I assume that if the PH varies much from these limits that the plants will not be able to utilize the calmag!!??I will check PH and EC again soon and give an update.


Well-Known Member
Two seperate bottles purchased at grow store. 1 x Ca and 1 x Mg. Added in half strength recommended blend yesterday afternoon. Why keep the PH at 5.8-5.9? You mentioned Ca & Mg lockout so I assume that if the PH varies much from these limits that the plants will not be able to utilize the calmag!!??
Google 'nutrient lockout chart' and check the PH levels. At 5.8-ish you already start locking out Mg, go too high and you lockout others. That's why it's normally good to let the ph drift a little rather than keeping it strict at 5.8 and adjusting 2 times a day for example. In this case you want to PH to be optimal for the uptake of the specific nutes you add. Good luck! Hope to see some pics of the same plants in better condition soon.