OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

i have an airstone and another pump to mix my solution constantly, when i water the top is dry to the touch but the bottom is wet, not enough to drip water but definatly not dry, the last time i let them dry out and they wilted like these and havent got them to perk up since then.


Well-Known Member
do yu ever use a teaspoon of bleach per gallon occasionally to kill any algae that mite settle in undetected that can cause the same results,pathogens and bacterias aattack the roots,and using only one tspn per gallon is totally harmless and most helpful. not saying thats yures but to keep in mind also .
when do i put in the bleach? in my resivor while feeding or flushing out my nutes and then bleacking to cleen. ive herd of h202 drop in 1 to 2 mil per gallion to kill bacteria. i think i over watered because whenever i touched the bottom of rockwool it would leave some mosture on my fingers. i did water them at around day 7 of veg for around 3 to 4 days in a row, now i havent watered in 3 days but still drooping any help?


Well-Known Member
just wait till they start standing is usually a sign,healthy green color will come bak,be care with the h2o2,a little goes a long ways os yule kill it.use tspoon per gallon of water and bleach in yure nex watering,i'm sure it will need it after wat yu ndescribed.jus dont over water twice ina row or it may ruin the plant.
what about Phosphorus defency? my ppms are at about 400 and its day 15 of veg. the roots look healty and arnt brown but the stems are purple and they were dark now the bottom leaves of a few of the plants are yelow maybe shock. i dont think its over watering because i watered 2 to 3 days in a row and before that i just watered 3 times in 8 days. doin 5ml of mico 10 ml bloom maybe i need to up my ppms? ph was 6.2 maybe the ph is to high and is locking out Phosphorus?


Well-Known Member
if its the bottom leaves i wouldnt worry., if yure using reg nutes its getting all it needs, phosphorous is increased in yure budding formulas,and easy to burn them up also.