OG Kush & Purple Bubba Kush First Time Grow using 600w


Hey Everyone we're new here & can use all the advice or tips! This is mine and my wife's first grow using two clones we got from two medical dispensaries. One is OG Kush and the other is Purple Bubba Kush. As far as knowledge wise, we're no experts and we don't claim to be but we have been on this forum for about a year reading a lot and we have watched about 4 different grow videos numerous times. So we know the basics, but even then we still need advice! :D You can never be too sure. Anyways back to the plants. The OG Kush was clipped for clones several times by the original owner and its visibly apparent. It looks about 2-3 months old. The original owner let my wife know that they never fertilized it and that it needed to be replanted. As soon as we got home we replanted into a 5 gallon pot with half perlite and half peat moss. We flushed it on 4/19/11. We have had it since 4/13/11. While the Purple Bubba Kush is about 1 to 1 1/2 months old. The owner of this plant said it was not fertilized either. It had a case of spider mites but we quickly got rid of the problem. We used Alaska's Natural Organic Fish Fertilizer(5-1-1). We fertilized it with half of what was told to do on the directions. Got this one on 4/16/11. Both are in soil. We have not flushed the Purple Bubba Kush and we don't know if the original owner did or not. We really don't know too much about these two except what the two dispensaries had let my wife know upfront. Our main plan is to turn these two into mothers and eventually start cloning them in rockwool cubes and to start growing hydroponically thereafter. We still need some supplies for the hydro setup(a bigger dome for clones,florescent lights,rock wool,clay pallets,nutes,etc...). Simple thing though, nothing too big, we should have our hydro setup up and going within two weeks or so. As we had berly planned on switching to hydro like two days ago. Until then the girls are vegging under my 400w Metal Halide lamp and on a 18/6 cycle.


  • 400/600w plus Turbo Charged Sun System Galaxy Switchable Ballast(MH/HPS)
  • Sun System Blockbuster 6" Air Cooled Reflector
  • 400 metal halide light bulb(purchased the wrong wattage):o
  • 600 high pressure sodium bulb
  • Room AC
  • One oscillating fan
  • One big room(don't know the measurments yet :-/ LOL)

Room Conditions:

  • Currently 76 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Humidity: 45%
  • Well ventilated

How are they looking?

OG Kush

Does it look like it has too much perlite?

Are the new leaves looking good?

What is this caused by?

Purple Bubba Kush

All advice is welcome!;-)



On the first pics i see a zinc or boron deficiencies on the leaves. Make shure
your PH and PPM are okay for maximal obsorbsion of the nutrients by the roots.

What is the nutrients you are using?


I'm using alaska fish ferilizer natural organic with 5-1-1. I haven't bought any secondary nutrients yet. Should I supplement it with anything else? & thanks for the help!
On the first pics i see a zinc or boron deficiencies on the leaves. Make shure
your PH and PPM are okay for maximal obsorbsion of the nutrients by the roots.

What is the nutrients you are using?


Updates: The Purple Bubba Kush fell over a while ago and the stem snapped but didn't completely break off. :wall: We quickly tied it a stick and it now stays up but it's leaning a little bit. I hope it recovers :neutral: but on bright side The OG Kush seems to be looking a little better since we've bought it, which was a week ago. I'm guessing that flushing it really helped it out :)


Purple Bubba Kush

The Damage

The new leaves seem to be turning a yellowish color..is this from heat stress?
