Og Kush


Well-Known Member
awsome, 10 bucks good deal.
the only prob is im not experienced enough growing to know if im getting what i pay for like og kush or is it bagseed. ya know.friends have donated most of my strains. i had a guy i never met before send me a couple of chocalope seeds got em today. basically traded seeds i sent some dutch treat


Well-Known Member
fuck ya i have some in 3 gallon pots and 1 in 3 gallon smart pot and for some reason the smart pot is doing a little bit better.

plastic pots/bags don't breath and force the roots to grow in spirals around the pot/bag (the root is looking for water/nutes and will continue growing around and around).

growbags/smartpots prune the roots - this means that when the growing root-tip grows into the bag slightly, the air causes the root to be 'pruned', this pruning causes the 3"-5" behind it to explode in side growth (similar idea to pruning the top - one cut, multiple heads), filling up the mass of the soil faster with more healthy roots.

since you are using only 1 4" T5 (similar to a 250w-400w HID in power. no depth penetration though), the 1gal bag might be barely enough, but I'd upsize the pot to a 3gal or 5gal to get the most out of her. I just finished up a bunch of OGK and they averaged just under 3oz each in 5gal smartpots @ 40" tall finished

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
plastic pots/bags don't breath and force the roots to grow in spirals around the pot/bag (the root is looking for water/nutes and will continue growing around and around).

growbags/smartpots prune the roots - this means that when the growing root-tip grows into the bag slightly, the air causes the root to be 'pruned', this pruning causes the 3"-5" behind it to explode in side growth (similar idea to pruning the top - one cut, multiple heads), filling up the mass of the soil faster with more healthy roots.

since you are using only 1 4" T5 (similar to a 250w-400w HID in power. no depth penetration though), the 1gal bag might be barely enough, but I'd upsize the pot to a 3gal or 5gal to get the most out of her. I just finished up a bunch of OGK and they averaged just under 3oz each in 5gal smartpots @ 40" tall finished
isnt that a good yield? some one was sayin their not that good of yielders. and thanks for the definition on smart pots


Well-Known Member
its all good..... so any advice any growing this strain.... since you grew it before.... its 14 inches tall feeding it cns17


Well-Known Member
isnt that a good yield? some one was sayin their not that good of yielders. and thanks for the definition on smart pots

I thought it was pretty good, but my first grow with that strain and not dialed in yet. there are SOOOOOO many OGKush variations out there, that it is not even funny. as an example, I'm growing 2 hybrids now - one is a Valley OGK cross, the other a San Fernando Valley OGK cross .... and I've heard from other friends over there that OGK is widely variable. so I don't know.

always happy to assist :) I just finished a trial of smartpots vs standard plastic vs another companies test pots and hands down the smartpots are consistant in growth and yield over the standard pots. still testing the other pots, but about even with smartpots.


Well-Known Member
its all good..... so any advice any growing this strain.... since you grew it before.... its 14 inches tall feeding it cns17

because of so many variations of OGK, I'd hate to give you wrong advice. she does look a lot like mine, but harder to tell in veg. mine were fert hungry girls, sensitive to over watering (breathable smart pots good, choking plastic bad. lol). I placed mine in @ 24" to get 40" (under multi 1000w). not sure if that helps ... grain of salt thing


Well-Known Member
cool can i get those at lowes or homedepot

smartpots or the test pots? smartpots were made by my wife, using material from HomeDepot -- in the pond section, there is a 1/8" thick material fabric pond liner/weed barrier ... looks like thick wool (not the thin crap for lawns). a couple yards of that sewn into a bucket with handles, and you have yourself a great smartpot. use, wash, repeat. :) but really, they are the same as these http://www.smartpots.com/


Well-Known Member
thats sound good to me.... so i should flower when 24 inches..... i also have a cotton candy the same height, but more bushier..... i'll just bud them bud together.... how many plants should i have under a 400 watt hps.... i'm only doing 2 at a time.... am i fucking up or am i safe....


Well-Known Member
for a 400w, you won't get the same depth penetration I get with 1000s (lots). not knowing how she will stretch, I'd guess at flowering her between now and 20" (depends on how long since transplant, I like to give @ 7-10 days of time to settle into the new environment).
I think 2 under a 400w can be fine, especially if you can get a small mover (if not, no biggie ... but it is a cheap upgrade to increase coverage) over them. just don't get them too big. you are on this site and taking the time to read and reach out .... you are FAR from fucking up :)