OG Platinum Leaves browning and withering

Ok so my plants are in the 4th week of flowering. I'm using an ebb and flow set up with a 1000 W HPS. A few weeks ago my plants got attacked by spidermites so I rasied the humidity and used fox farm's don't bug me. When the mites didn't die off completely I resorted a pyrethrum fogger. Unfortunately, I fogged the plants before the light turned on and some of the leaves were burned in spots where the liquid had collected and magnified the intensity of the light.

They are recovering now for the most part, but some of the leaves in the middle are withering and browning on the edges. Since I have been flooding them twice everyday for 15 min with nutrients containing the right proportions of Nirtrogen, I am sure that Nitrogen deficiency isn't the problem. I read online that root rot can cause the edges of a plant to turn brown so I'm planning on fitting the hose that connects the reservoir to the tray with an aerator to avoid that from happening. But I'm still not entirely sure what is causing this, any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Set up:
1000 W
general hydroponics nutrients (bloom, cal-mag, liquid karma)
5'x5'x8' grow tent
2 fans connected by ducting to cool light
pH: 5.7-6.2
Temp: 67 degrees F when lights are off, 75 degrees F when lights are on
using ground water from well (low ppm count and pH treated)
12/12 light cycle



Well-Known Member
Can't help but get the feeling it might be nute burn, the second pic the leaves look dark green, what's the ppm of your nutes, do you know? and what's the strain?
Also curious as to why our post are dated 12-8-2012 when my calendar says 12-7-2012, HMM!


Well-Known Member
Ok so my plants are in the 4th week of flowering. I'm using an ebb and flow set up with a 1000 W HPS. A few weeks ago my plants got attacked by spidermites so I rasied the humidity and used fox farm's don't bug me. When the mites didn't die off completely I resorted a pyrethrum fogger. Unfortunately, I fogged the plants before the light turned on and some of the leaves were burned in spots where the liquid had collected and magnified the intensity of the light.

They are recovering now for the most part, but some of the leaves in the middle are withering and browning on the edges. Since I have been flooding them twice everyday for 15 min with nutrients containing the right proportions of Nirtrogen, I am sure that Nitrogen deficiency isn't the problem. I read online that root rot can cause the edges of a plant to turn brown so I'm planning on fitting the hose that connects the reservoir to the tray with an aerator to avoid that from happening. But I'm still not entirely sure what is causing this, any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Set up:
1000 W
general hydroponics nutrients (bloom, cal-mag, liquid karma)
5'x5'x8' grow tent
2 fans connected by ducting to cool light
pH: 5.7-6.2
Temp: 67 degrees F when lights are off, 75 degrees F when lights are on
using ground water from well (low ppm count and pH treated)
12/12 light cycle
I have had the same problem. Whats the PH of the water you're feeding? PH of your nutes? PH of your grow medium? My water turned out to be 8.0, my nutes were < 4.0 and my soil was something like 8.0. I started PH'ing my nutes and water to 6ish and things got better.
The pH is usually between 5.8-6.2 right now it's right around 5.8. I should mention that the plant pictured is the worst out of all ten the other ones are just starting to show browning on a few leaves.