Active Member
Yo Racer family court today wish me luck, ill talk to u when I get back....
Yo Racer family court today wish me luck, ill talk to u when I get back....
looks great bro,ns seletion of strains u got there,will tag along for the ride,sub.
damn, that sucks.. i always hate court, but i never seem to go for family matters, but usually much more important criminal matters, lol.. ahh, the good old days.. don't miss them on lil bit..
well it's fam court for my kids ya know, she a hoe......and wants more money.....i dont want to sound horrible but I pay for everything for the kids and now she wants support .I pay the bills over there and suffer at home its bull but I love my kids
i always like ridin shotgun,lol,u always have somethin unique in ure garden.
oh yeah. I hear ya they r nutz every one of them...........I hate it but i have to do whut I have to do............ I dont know how old u r man but maybe have one before its too late
Very well said!!well, its not always as easy as dropping the load from the male onto the v jj of a female and hoping that you get what you want.. plants work the same way people do.. so what your asking is how to i take me cock, and have sex with a girl and get a blonde haired, blue eyed female who is smoking hot, and super smart, lol... the way breeders do it is to breed two plants, then raise the kids and look for the ones that have the characteristics that they are looking for, blonde hair and blue eyes and smoking hot, and then work with the kids that have these traits and breed them together to try and isolate the aspect that they are looking for.. breed those again, get rid of any brown haired, boys and girls, and work again with all of the blue eyed girls.. its a long long process to get exactly what your after as you can see, which is why good breeders simply aren't a dime a dozen as not all of them are willing to do what it takes to get a blonde haired, blue eyed girl every seed.. this is why some breeders you will get two or three or even four very different looking plants out of a pack of ten seeds, they simply didn't do the amount of work to get rid of any recessive traits that can and will pop up...
this is why a lot of hybrids where someone takes say two very good plants can be a crap shot at best.. you can always come out with a plant that is straight up fire, or you could come up with a plant that has the worst traits of both of the parents if you understand what i mean.. and unless they did the work to stabilize the traits that they were looking for, then its even more of a crap shot.. starting off with two very stable parents is a good way to get more stable children... kinda funny how the same can be said of humans as well, lol..
well, i only see one lil flaw in your plan real... i need to find a baby mama before me can have a baby, and i haven't been having much luck in that dpt as of late, but watt can you do.
well, its not always as easy as dropping the load from the male onto the v jj of a female and hoping that you get what you want.. plants work the same way people do.. so what your asking is how to i take me cock, and have sex with a girl and get a blonde haired, blue eyed female who is smoking hot, and super smart, lol... the way breeders do it is to breed two plants, then raise the kids and look for the ones that have the characteristics that they are looking for, blonde hair and blue eyes and smoking hot, and then work with the kids that have these traits and breed them together to try and isolate the aspect that they are looking for.. breed those again, get rid of any brown haired, boys and girls, and work again with all of the blue eyed girls.. its a long long process to get exactly what your after as you can see, which is why good breeders simply aren't a dime a dozen as not all of them are willing to do what it takes to get a blonde haired, blue eyed girl every seed.. this is why some breeders you will get two or three or even four very different looking plants out of a pack of ten seeds, they simply didn't do the amount of work to get rid of any recessive traits that can and will pop up...
this is why a lot of hybrids where someone takes say two very good plants can be a crap shot at best.. you can always come out with a plant that is straight up fire, or you could come up with a plant that has the worst traits of both of the parents if you understand what i mean.. and unless they did the work to stabilize the traits that they were looking for, then its even more of a crap shot.. starting off with two very stable parents is a good way to get more stable children... kinda funny how the same can be said of humans as well, lol..
thanx Racer .......u have a great way of saying things bro......seems like alil more work then i know how to do right now growin wise so I will wait a while and at least keep a female and a male and see whut i can get out of them...I copied and saved ur answer..;.seems like alot involoved...ill havre to research the hrll outta this whole idea.....