
Well-Known Member
well it seems as though i have a trip to cali im making... always looking for some new powerful something to help pain and relax me... i have a pin in my ankle, not near as bad as you but i understand the walking part, to a much less extent.. but i can sympathize.. it was actually my growing plate so my leg stopped growing when i was 13, which was when it happened... so my left leg is about a 1/4 to 1/2 shorter than my right leg... whole body is outta wack... also got some kidney issues and seizures due to stress and some others stupid stuff.. hate doctors and prescriptions... so anything that can calm me down, keep me couch locked so i dont inflame the arthritis, which is almost impossible, and help me sleep and all that is what im looking for... to bad clones couldnt be mailed safely (without injury and risk of johnny law getting involved)... oh well... sounds like an amazing mix though... cant wait to see the buds on her!


Well-Known Member
well alittle update, after the ph was knocked off during a trip that i took, i returned my lady to her home. she brought alot of little friends with her. bad bug problem that took a few days to fully come about. i started a plant safe bug sweep before i start flowering her, i was hoping to start today but hopfully by next weekend she will be ready to go. also plan on taking a few clones this week to preserve the strain.



Well-Known Member
how far along is she now?? what kinda bug problem did she have?? hope things arent too bad for ya..
they where those little white ones, along with gnats. they are still there but, before i sprayed her down with the bug spray i hurt me just looking at her. but there are a fraction which should clear up in a few days, i hope. im going to wait another week or so to flower her, i just want her to come back alittle from all of the stress an clear up the bugs.


Well-Known Member
she will jump back just fine!!

so your gonna start flowering in a week? are you going to give her a dark period before flowering? like the 24-36 hour period... and are you flushing at all before switching over?


Well-Known Member
she will jump back just fine!!

so your gonna start flowering in a week? are you going to give her a dark period before flowering? like the 24-36 hour period... and are you flushing at all before switching over?
well if you ask, i watered her with her last dose of full grow. im going to let her dry out fully, just foliage spray 3 times a day. at the end of the week i shall take one more clone then give her a nice poland spring bath then actually give her 48 hours dark, then set her on a 13/11 light cycle


Well-Known Member
ive done 36 and it seemed to shorten the period by a few days, this was going to be my experiment at it. :-)
i use a 36 hours period myself... i agree.. it seems like it shortens flowering by about a week for me overall... im interested to see how 48 hours affects it...

what is your normal yield that you get per harvest with 36 hour dark?

i was reading a post the other day and this kid was trying to say the dark period stresses them, and that was causes them to start flowering quicker... trying to explain to him that dark does not stress plants was fun... :wall:


Well-Known Member
i use a 36 hours period myself... i agree.. it seems like it shortens flowering by about a week for me overall... im interested to see how 48 hours affects it...

what is your normal yield that you get per harvest with 36 hour dark?

i was reading a post the other day and this kid was trying to say the dark period stresses them, and that was causes them to start flowering quicker... trying to explain to him that dark does not stress plants was fun... :wall:
i always have random yeilds, this is because of my veg times, ive had a plant that i vegged for 6 months an yeilded almost 2 lbs. and i have NEVER done single colas, its all ways been supercropping and topping to produce 40+ main colas, the girl now has over 35+


Well-Known Member
35 colas?? DAMN.... that is INSANE.... i cant imagine... ive never played around with any pruning techniques.. i think im going to do a little experiment with different pruning techniques and coresponding yields... i want to get the most out of the grow... just gotta see what works best... ive always been afriad of stessing the plants to much tho.. i guess a strong female can withstand a great deal of stress huh??


Well-Known Member
you forget that ITS A WEED, has the ability to thrive in sub-par conditions. just alittle food for thought. i dont see problems of your causing a decent amount of stress during the veg process, not its when flower time hits i just let them go, i just try an keep canapy even as possible so i dont have a lone ranger making a dash for the light.


Well-Known Member
its not a matter of forgetting its a weed.. i know how shitty the conditions can be and still have plants grow... its the time i spend in it that i dont want to jepordize or that worries me when it comes to pruning and stressing.. i mean... the last thing any of us want is to spend 8 weeks or manicuring and pruning and bending and tenderly caring for a vegging girl just to have her over stressed and hermiefied.... most of the fear i have is due to the fact i either had to deal with bag seeds or clones that i knew nothing about the genetic line of.... but im breaking down and ordering some good seed bank seeds so i will feel more comfortable trying different pruning techniques...


New Member
you forget that ITS A WEED, has the ability to thrive in sub-par conditions. just alittle food for thought. i dont see problems of your causing a decent amount of stress during the veg process, not its when flower time hits i just let them go, i just try an keep canapy even as possible so i dont have a lone ranger making a dash for the light.
its funny u say that cuz last night when i checked my canopy i had 2 of them that dashed to the light without me knowing (grew 3 inches in a day) so i tied them down! well im definately subscribed, nice to see someone else that lives in cali on this forum! ya thats a bush ha ha


Well-Known Member
well i took 2 clones this morning, one looks alittle iffy, i cut a large piece of the stem off while trying to scrap the sides. i will take some pics tonight, the lady is coming back, on schedule to start my 48 hour dark before i flower at, tomorrow's end of day.


Well-Known Member
glad to hear your girls turning taking a turn for the better...

i think your clone should be ok.. the more flesh that shows the better right?? maybe itll work for the best!

and doesnt it seem that those 36, or soon to be 48 hours, are the longest hours of your life?? like crazy long... i hate not being able to see them for that long... its like going without food and water... well maybe not that extreme... but it takes forever!


Well-Known Member
shes looking good... this is gonna get really interesting to watch... i was thinking about doing some LST training myself... so i am very interested to see the results! plus i want to see what the 48 hours does...