Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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I actually enjoy the 'No-Plane' theory the most. Not because I do believe it, and not because I don't, but because it makes for gripping drama. Watching 'September Clues' for me rates as on par with the first viewing of Sixth Sense, or Scream, or some other thriller with a clever twist. With just the slightest suspension of disbelief, the no-plane theory becomes a fascinating tale that draws you in and has you thinking " Naaaaawwwww...no way.....hmmmm.....but what if?...."
what kind of idiot would BUMP a thread to get people NOT to look at it.
who is stupid? fucking genius here has it all figured out.
That's for you to answer ... you are the one that keeps doing it, trying to ridicule people for posting or reading this thread. Yeah so who is stupid? :dunce:

looks like the late Ted kennedy may be replaced by a Republican
imagine if you told Mr. Kennedy that a few months ago he would have laughed it off as a rediculess joke
Some people just want to be asleep at the wheel. It makes no difference, both parties have the same handlers ... you are foolish to think one is better than the other. :sleep:

They will never admit to being wrong. The entire point of the delusion is to form a superiority in their own minds. The more ppl disagree with them, the more attention they receive and this reinforces the superiority.

But the delusion actually stems from insecurity. An insecurity the 9/11 truther authors tap into and manipulate.
Self projecting again I see ... nothing new here folks ... move along ... move along ... :bigjoint:
Some people just want to be asleep at the wheel. It makes no difference, both parties have the same handlers ... you are foolish to think one is better than the other. :sleep:


this is a complete lie,

the democratic party is stealing our money, and bankruping our country and making us less safe. if you dont think we are better off with a balance so no one party can run us into the ground then you are the fool:bigjoint:

Grow Rebel do you take any medication besides ganja?

might wanna look into some bipolar medication if your not already on some,

you seem border line schizophrenic, i have one in the family,

there are people pulling the strings trying to get you, i know man, I know. dont live in fear man


this is a complete lie,

Yawn ... like I said ... some people are completely:sleep: at the wheel ... and now on to the 911 news ...
This is a documentary doing what the government refuses to do ... investigate the evidence of 911 ... they invite anyone to give a counter point to their evidence, but I doubt they will get any serious response. Check it out when you can ...
Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.1of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.2of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.3of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.4of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.5of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.6of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.7of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.8of8


I'm am quite confident that no one on this forum will be able to give a serious dispute to the evidence presented in the documentary.:lol:
That's for you to answer ... you are the one that keeps doing it, trying to ridicule people for posting or reading this thread. Yeah so who is stupid? :dunce:

Some people just want to be asleep at the wheel. It makes no difference, both parties have the same handlers ... you are foolish to think one is better than the other. :sleep:

Self projecting again I see ... nothing new here folks ... move along ... move along ... :bigjoint:

actually it's you ridiculing us for posting.

we found it. :-P
Yawn ... like I said ... some people are completely:sleep: at the wheel ... and now on to the 911 news ...
This is a documentary doing what the government refuses to do ... investigate the evidence of 911 ... they invite anyone to give a counter point to their evidence, but I doubt they will get any serious response. Check it out when you can ...
Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.1of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.2of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.3of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.4of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.5of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.6of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.7of8


Anatomy of the 911 Cover Up-Pt.8of8


I'm am quite confident that no one on this forum will be able to give a serious dispute to the evidence presented in the documentary.:lol:

so NOW you get your investigation?

In your "no-plane" which one are you talking about or ones?

The No-Plane theory requites that NO planes hit ANY buildings at all.

No-Planers state that no Boeings hit either of the twin towers and that planes were edited into live footage 'on the fly' ;-).

These claims seem to have originated from the seeds sown by original concerns at a seeming lack of evidence showing a plane hitting the Pentagon, or the lack of detritus from planes in fields.
Grow rebel say I wanted to join your little 9/11 inside job club

you have been at this thread for 2 years straight, thats an amazing feat

what progess have you made with the cause so far in all your hard work over these past 2 years

you have been doing the heavy lifting on for us

whats the status?

its been a long 8 1/2 years for you hasnt it

but i think your probably right

its impossible for these savages to have had any hand in it, its just not like the societly overthere to overkill

Saudi girl, 13, sentenced to 90 lashes after she took a mobile phone to school

By Mike Theodoulou

Last updated at 1:25 PM on 20th January 2010
A 13-year-old girl has been sentenced to 90 lashes and two months' prison in Saudi Arabia after she took a mobile phone to school.

A court ordered the girl to be flogged in front of her classmates following an assault on the school principal, according to the Saudi daily newspaper Al-Watan.

After the assault she was discovered to have concealed a mobile phone, breaking strict Saudi regulations banning the use of camera-equipped phones in girls' schools.

Brutal: public floggings, such as in this archive picture, are a common punishment handed down by religious courts in Saudi Arabia

Al-Watan said a court in the northeastern Gulf port of Jubail had sentenced the girl to 90 lashes inside her school, followed by two months' detention.

The punishment is harsher than tha dished out to some robbers and looters.

Saudi Arabia, a leading US ally in the Middle East, is an absolute monarchy controlled by the Al-Saud ruling tribe, and lacks any legal code.

Absolute monarchy: King Abdullah, ruler of the oil-rich state, meeting Gordon Brown on a 2007 visit to Downing Street

King Abdullah has promoted some social reforms since taking the throne in 2005 but diplomats say he is held back by religious clerics and princes.

Cinemas and music concerts are banned, while many restaurants and even some shopping centres cater to families only, especially on holidays.

Religious police roam streets to make sure no unrelated men and women mix.

The Saudi court system is exclusively controlled Wahahbi/Salafi clerics, and bans the employment of non-Salafi citizens, especially as judges.

Saudi Arabia is the world's leading country in the use of torture-by-flogging, public beheadings and publically crucifying condemned prisoners.

The country crucified two people in 2009, including one in the capital Riyadh during President Barak Obama’s visit last April.

In September, twenty Saudi teenagers who ransacked shops and restaurants were publicly flogged.

Newspapers reported that the teenagers received at least 30 lashes each in a public square.
Most of the hijackers in the September 11 attacks in 2001 came from Saudi Arabia.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1244689/Saudi-girl-13--sentenced-90-lashes-took-mobile-phone-school.html#ixzz0dAF3EQy2
Myopia as metaphor
The terms myopia and myopic (or the common terms short sightedness or short sighted) have also been used metaphorically to refer to cognitive thinking and decision making that is narrow sighted or lacking in concern for wider interests or longer-term consequences.[89] It is often used to describe a decision that may be beneficial in the present but detrimental in the future, or a viewpoint that fails to consider anything outside a very narrow and limited range (see pragmatism, which tends to be myopic). Some antonyms of short sightedness are foreseeing, "forward thinking" and prophecy. Hyperopia, the biological opposite of myopia, is also used as a metaphor for those who exhibit "far-sighted" behavior; that is, over-prioritizing long-term interests at the expense of present enjoyment.[90]
I still dont get why people post in here if they dont believe or like what he's posting, stay the fuc out then lol

the problem with this political section is that everyone who posts in it, thinks there the smatest person here

Your calling this info narrow minded, but your so stupid to think that the government couldn't do ANYTHING, or WOULDNT do ANYTHING like this :roll:

when you want to wake up, let us know
this thread may be the longest running joke in riu history.
Only to people like you who are too blind to see ... no problem there ... we don't need you or want you ... :lol:

actually it's you ridiculing us for posting.

we found it. :-P
How convenient of you to disregard the fact I was responding to ridicule ... but that's you MO isn't it ...

so NOW you get your investigation?

Yawn ... simply more proof your MO is to disrupt and ridicule ... so how's that working out for ya?:sleep:

Grow rebel say I wanted to join your little 9/11 inside job club
Don't need ya ... don't want ya ... people like you are of little consequence to bring out the truth...

you have been at this thread for 2 years straight, thats an amazing feat
Only people like you think it's amazing to speak out against murder and war crimes ...

what progess have you made with the cause so far in all your hard work over these past 2 years
More people now believe the government story is a lie ... that progress.

its impossible for these savages to have had any hand in it, its just not like the societly overthere to overkill

You are just as big a hypocrite as the government you bend over for ... the Saudi's are friends of the US ... remember?:dunce:
[QUOTE="SICC";3683454]I still dont get why people post in here if they dont believe or like what he's posting, stay the fuc out then lol

the problem with this political section is that everyone who posts in it, thinks there the smatest person here

Your calling this info narrow minded, but your so stupid to think that the government couldn't do ANYTHING, or WOULDNT do ANYTHING like this :roll:

when you want to wake up, let us know[/QUOTE]

:clap: I'm telling ya ... some people just can't handle the fact that people don't buy the lie and want a real investigation ... perhaps it's something they drink? Kool-aid perhaps? I doubt they will ever wake up even when it bites them in the ass ... :dunce:
This same hermetically sealed community of belief can also be found amongst political ideologues, proponents of various pseudo-sciences and occult dogmas, and amongst conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theorists are notorious for this tendency to form communities of the deluded, for in their case the opinions they hold are often so outrageously wrong that conspiracists often appear genuinely insane. The internet has been instrumental in the rise of new conspiracy theories because it provides the opportunity to form the kind of closed, circular, and mutually reinforcing groupthink which was previously available only to close knit religious communities or tightly structured political groups. This means that conspiracists should be properly considered as a species of dogmatic believer similar to members of a religious sect.

Religious and political philosophies, however, may incorporate valid ethical and social observations, which may attract followers with different motivations, diluting the purely dogmatic elements. Consumers of pseudo-science make common cognitive mistakes which requires research to dispel; many may simply have not taken the time to know better, and may not have much at stake (those who pay thousands to psychics and faith healers are another matter). Their entertainment of nonsense may be casual and not a central feature of their personality; when the stakes are high, they go to a doctor, not a homeopath. Conspiracy theorists, on the other hand, are usually quite dedicated and quite vociferous in what they believe. But most importantly, conspiracists are barking mad--pure dogmatists. Examination of conspiracists will throw light on the nature and habits of purely dogmatic believers of all kinds.

Conspiracists share in common with other dogmatic believers the following traits:

1) Epistemological Incompetence. Conspiracists lack basic tools of comprehension concerning the way the world works. These include a poor understanding of logic, science, and human nature. They have little or no grasp of what James Flynn calls shorthand abstractions (SHA's). SHA's include the concepts of the market, percentage, natural selection, random samples, control groups, the naturalistic fallacy, the charisma effect, placebo effect, falsifiability and tautology, and the tolerance school fallacy. Some of these you may recognize by name, and I'm not going to go into a full explanation of all of them. Flynn's work is stellar. He is best known for the Flynn effect, the measured gradual rise in IQ over the last century. His conception of the SHA's is a must read; Flynn believes that the acceptance of scientific ways of thinking is responsible for the Flynn effect. You can find it here. This is where he lists and describes the SHA's and several anti-SHA's, the latter being common misperceptions leading to false conclusions.

The important point is that these are tools needed to understand the modern world. Without them, conspiracists literally do not understand how the world works. This is the root cause of all of their other problems. The conspiracy theory not only exploits this weakness, but reinforces it. Acceptance of conspiracy theories may in the long term actually impair the ability for critical thinking. One conspiracy theory leads to another, and all seem to lead, eventually, to the moral and cognitive black hole of anti-semitism.

2) Epistemological Relativism. Since conspiracists do not understand the methods for reaching a correct conclusion, all conclusions are equal and based solely upon the weight of authority. In short, there is no truth, only opinion. It is a sad fact that someone can acquire a scientific or technical degree without ever fully understanding the scientific method. It is possible to take the results of science as received wisdom, and parrot it back successfully on exams, without understanding how it was derived. Dogmas are conclusions, cues to stop thinking, rather than means of arriving at conclusions. There are some that will learn science in this way, and never move beyond the dogmatic mindset.

3) Confirmation Bias. Conspiracists disregard arguments that refute their thesis, usually by relying on the Genetic Fallacy--the source is in on the conspiracy, and therefore cannot be trusted. There is no truth, only opinion, and only the right opinion is acceptable. The Grand Cabal "got to them", or their interests are somehow served by the conspiracy. Their motives are therefore impure, and nothing they say can be considered worthy to discredit the conspiracy theory. Since conspiracists consider all arguments to be arguments from authority, the choice is not between correct methodologies, but correct authority.

4) Selective Bias. Conspiracists emphasize only those snippets of fact that confirm their beliefs, and disregard or dismiss the bulk of evidence which refutes their thesis. A common practice is quote mining, where a single statement (or even a portion of a statement) is quoted out of context as evidence for the theory. When the original source objects to the interpretation of the quote, the conspiracists fall back on the Genetic Fallacy, claiming that the source has been compromised since the original statement. Conspiracy theories are therefore unfalsifiable.

5) Exceptionalism. Conspiracists grant their own theories exception from logical or methodological principles that they routinely apply in the rest of their lives. Occam's Razor is a good example of an abandoned principle; it is hard to believe that a qualified engineer would not be familiar with this logical tool, yet there are many engineers amongst "Truthers", whose theories concerning the events of 9/11 multiply entities on a grand scale while the real explanation is remarkably simple.

6) 'Gaps' Arguments. Rather than provide a comprehensive argument, backed by evidence, conspiracists rely on a false dichotomy, attempting to argue that there are inconsistencies in the accepted explanation, and then presenting their own as the only alternative. When these gaps are filled the conspiracists pretend not to hear the new evidence, and continue to point to gaps that have in fact been filled. Since this new information contradicts their claims, it will not appear in discussions amongst the conspiracists, and will be blithely ignored when presented by someone else. This additional information is, in their mind, intended to refute what they have already decided is true and therefore obviously ideologically based and not worthy of consideration.
7) Theory of Agency rather than Process. For the conspiracist, there are no coincidences. Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is always an intentional agent. Any large scale, frequent, or dramatic events must be the product of deliberate planning, and carried out by an commensurately powerful organization. If those events are negative, a vast malevolent agency or cabal is at work. Small criminal groups or sole individuals cannot be responsible. Ignorance, incompetence, poor planning, or impersonal forces cannot play a role. For those who do not understand how the world works, the question is not how, but who, a systematic misapplication of intentional explanations.

8.) Magic. For those who understand nothing about the world, all is magic. The agency is both supernaturally intelligent and powerful, and yet strangely inept. The cabal has virtually complete control of nearly all powerful institutions--economic, political, legal, social, criminal, and journalistic--yet somehow cannot prevent the conspiracists from uncovering their plot. They can, however, hide all the evidence, an ability which would require the cabal to command power that rivals the divine. Benjamin Franklin said that "Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead." The conspiracists believes that plots involving thousands can operate without detection, thanks to the near omniscience and virtual omnipotence of the conspiracy, whose members are all unswervingly loyal to the cause.

9) Occult Knowledge. Despite the fantastic powers of the enemy, the conspiracists have uncovered the Hidden Truth, marking them as in some way the champions of divine providence. This too is no accident; the conspiracist possesses a rare and special virtue. The conspiracist is thus cast in a heroic light, often an overcompensation for the mundane reality of their personal lives. They alone have broken through the web of illusions created by the cabal, and it is their destiny to free the world. Their Truth trumps all lesser truths, so outright and deliberate lies are acceptable. The objective is not truth (which does not actually exist unless it is theirs--relativists always make exceptions for what they believe, otherwise the relativist argument itself would collapse) but victory.

10) Mutation, Adaptation, and Cross Breeding. As conspiracists meet contrary evidence, they continue to invent and share counter arguments in a piecemeal fashion. Exposure to reason and evidence, rather than correcting the theory, actually forces it to adapt to become a more reason-resistant strain. In effect, criticism acts as a form of natural selection, weeding out the rational proponents and isolating the loons, while at the same time forcing the theory itself to evolve into something which cannot be falsified by any means. Many conspiracist arguments actually contradict other arguments presented by the same conspiracist, because they are pieced together from variant conspiracy theories. Since conspiracy theories rely on gaps arguments, consistency is not important, and this is why one conspiracy theory leads to another--they share common elements indiscriminately. The only thing that is important is that the real explanation be refuted so that the conspiracist alternative may be offered in its place.

11) Evangelism. Spreading belief in the conspiracy theory is of the utmost importance. The conspiracist believes himself to be the sworn enemy of an immensely powerful malevolent enemy, which must be defeated. Telling others what he knows will make him a less appealing target for the enemy. But in spreading the word, he also becomes the hero in a grand cause, a paladin in gleaming armor against the dragon. Converting others to his beliefs will not only lessen his cognitive dissonance (he is, after all, often told that he is crazy), but will also convince others of his heroic stature. In the eyes of converts, he will go from zero to hero in one easy step.

Although details of justification may vary amongst dogmas, these traits appear to be common to all systems of dogma. Consider Stalinism and National Socialism, both political dogmas. Both employed conspiracy theories of their own. Their biases, and general aversion to truth and the means of establishing truth, are fairly obvious. More suprising, as supposedly secular dogmas, both were notorious dabblers in the occult and wholesale distributors of pseudo-science. In their support for Lysenkoism, the Stalinists apparently thought they were in the position to legislate the laws of science. Hitler railed against "Jewish science". Fortunately for us this included nuclear physics, and led the Nazis to abandon the development of nuclear weapons.

Some invocation of magic and the occult seems to be required to protect any dogma from empirical challenge. Freudian psychology claimed to be able to recover repressed memories which even the patient didn't know about. This eventually led to the inanity of mutiple personalities, past life regression, and tales of vast satanic conspiracies. No evidence for any of this was ever found, and the entire charade has left the cult of Freud in ruins. But at the time it was claimed that only the psychotherapist had the knowledge, and ability, to reach these hidden truths. In the aftermath of these scandals, Freudian psychology was stripped of its scientific disguise and revealed to be an occult practice.

You may have noticed memetic elements at work here. I'm not completely convinced that the memetic model is coherent. For that matter, neither is Richard Dawkins, who merely proposed the idea of memes as the extension of the idea of simple replicators into another domain. But there does seem to be some organic, evolutionary process at work here. Dogmatic systems consist largely of false and irrational beliefs. They are dogmatic precisely because they are not rationally or empirically defensible. As such, a dogmatic belief system appears to be a viral agent which bypasses rational defenses and hijacks the mind. The problem with the concept of the meme is that it is too simple; if a meme is to be considered as a viral agent, we must remember that viruses are not simple gene snippets floating in the blood stream. They are packages of genes contained within a delivery system which includes defensive and offensive adaptations. They must be able to avoid detection and elimination, and they must be able to gain entry into the cell.

By analogy, systems of dogma must, in addition to their main ideological payload, be able to slip past or destroy critical defenses, must encourage evangelism, and must at first approach be attractive enough for consideration. This is no simple meme, but a compex system of mutually reinforcing ideas. The attraction can take many forms. The dogma may offer a seemingly simple solution to a difficult problem, be consistent with existing beliefs, be ethically compelling, make wonderful promises, appeal to the listener's pride, or come from a person loved or trusted. Yet the attraction is not the main problem. It is quite possible to consider nonsense without being convinced by it. It is at this point that the dogmatic defenses kick in.

In a free market of ideas, the dogmas that survive are those that are most resistant to reason and evidence--in short, those that that best resist falsification. No dogma is completely unfalsifiable, as virtually all dogmas make claims regarding the physical world. The solution is not to deal with contrary evidence or arguments piecemeal, but to embrace a broad strategy which undermines the legitimacy of inductive reasoning itself. This is best seen in the Wedge strategy, which seeks first to undermine methodological materialism, the basis of science, before advancing religious dogma in its place. Here we have, exposed for all to see, an element that is hidden in most dogmatic systems. Having found the population too smart for the dogmatists own good, they are actually seeking to reverse the Flynn effect and return us to a pre-modern way of thinking. In doing so, they would cut the thread upon which our prosperity, freedom, and even our very survival hang. Their success would lead to a staggering body count. Natrone23 didn't write this BTW. The credit goes to someone else
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