Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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you have not "disproven" anything. You simply posted utubes with theories .....just like we do. We have posted hundreds of coincidences and you have posted a couple of nice debates, and I thank you for that, but its far from being proof. I have plenty of questions you have not answered , plenty of video's you have not responded to, and that dont make you stupid , or crazy , it just means you do not know the answers and none of us do, so i think a real investigation is in order................it wont happen , but i still think it should. As long as you are reading the questions , then thats all we can do, so in the future if either of us is wrong we will remember why.
fdd my opinion on the plantin debris thing is that the media is far more powerful then a few pics of a plane or something.


i do not understand your statement. :neutral:
you have not "disproven" anything. You simply posted utubes with theories .....just like we do. We have posted hundreds of coincidences and you have posted a couple of nice debates, and I thank you for that, but its far from being proof. I have plenty of questions you have not answered , plenty of video's you have not responded to, and that dont make you stupid , or crazy , it just means you do not know the answers and none of us do, so i think a real investigation is in order................it wont happen , but i still think it should. As long as you are reading the questions , then thats all we can do, so in the future if either of us is wrong we will remember why.
fdd my opinion on the plantin debris thing is that the media is far more powerful then a few pics of a plane or something.


actually all the videos you guys are posting are theories with blatent lies and untruths in them and complete misleading and false statements too lol

all my posts expose your lies and false staments as what they are, lies untruths and quotes taken out of context.

with all the actuall proof right there to see read and even posts links to verfy the info!!! silly rabiits!!!! you must not even be looking at the videos I posted as they are clearly fact and sited with the sources

did you even watch the videos with the proof in them. im not going to keep posting them, they have proven you guys wrong to a point that is laughable

you seem to be the only one left trying to grasp to the precious lie you have held so dear through all these years

simply put just face it you guys were completley wrong and were laughable before I proved you wrong and still laughable but almost sad now that you have been proven wrong 100% with documented facts!!! but refuse to acknowledge the 100% proof & rebuttal

you guys have been bamboozled into blaming your own house for somthing your niebors down the steet did to you and all your friends and family.

you guys sold all of us out. I think the best thing you guys can do at this point is appoligize to all your fellow citizens you have hurt whom have lost loved ones in these attacks as well as all our brave millitray service personel who have been fighting for us and dieing for us all these years.


I think the word is Humility by friends.

its time you guys learned what that word means
lol rebel took you a week to come up with that weak retort?
Only to you and that doesn't mean shit ...

you cant reply to any point and i have disproven almost every won lol
Yeah I did ... you just ignore it like you do all the facts posted in this thread ... nothing new there ... :sleep:

your world in crumbling around you

again ... nothing more than an unedumacted opinion .... next:dunce:
actually all the videos you guys are posting are theories with blatent lies and untruths in them and complete misleading and false statements too lol
None of the videos you have been able to prove to be lies ... you just state they are then use reports that have been proven to be bogus ... how stupid is that ... plus I don't see you waving no $1000 check for proving the info in the one video was a lie ... more proof you simply blow shit out your ass ...

all my posts expose your lies and false staments as what they are, lies untruths and quotes taken out of context.
Nothing more than a fantasy on your part ... you haven't pointed out the so called false statements ... you just claim they are in general with no serious backing to your claims ... so keep fantasizing ... it's quite amusing really ... :lol:

with all the actuall proof right there to see read and even posts links to verfy the info!!! silly rabiits!!!! you must not even be looking at the videos I posted as they are clearly fact and sited with the sources
Unlike you we don't accept reports that have been proven bogus ... if you want to be stupid knock yourself out ... it doesn't effect us at all ... :bigjoint:

did you even watch the videos with the proof in them. im not going to keep posting them, they have proven you guys wrong to a point that is laughable
Yeah I did ... that's how I know they are bogus ... anyone that uses the NIST report as proof is just plain :dunce:

you seem to be the only one left trying to grasp to the precious lie you have held so dear through all these years
It's only a lie to the blind ... and that doesn't concern us at all ...

simply put just face it you guys were completley wrong and were laughable before I proved you wrong and still laughable but almost sad now that you have been proven wrong 100% with documented facts!!! but refuse to acknowledge the 100% proof & rebuttal
The only thing laughable is your statements ... :lol:

you guys have been bamboozled into blaming your own house for somthing your niebors down the steet did to you and all your friends and family.
And you are the blind ... trying to keep others as blind as you ... how's that working out for ya?

you guys sold all of us out. I think the best thing you guys can do at this point is appoligize to all your fellow citizens you have hurt whom have lost loved ones in these attacks as well as all our brave millitray service personel who have been fighting for us and dieing for us all these years.
If anyone should apologize it's traitors like you that approval of and protect war crimes and war criminals ... when the truth is fully expose we won't forget your acts of treason ... :fire:

I think the word is Humility by friends.
its time you guys learned what that word means
It's time you followed your own stupid advice ... :-P
i do not understand your statement. :neutral:

well i dont believe that they had to plant anything , whoever's plan went down quite nicely for them. I am not sure about the pentagon deal because they wont show us , and i have not done my homework on that crash. Flight 93 , i whole heartingly believe there was no plane at all. Again something a few pictures would solve. flight 93 was not even in the records as "destroyed" like some of the other planes. Hell i would like to know how in the fuck all them folks on wall street KNEW them 2 airlines were gonna crash, but then never claimed their money? Did they feel bad for knowing too much?
All i know is money can buy anything you want these days. (even a terrorist attack)
actually all the videos you guys are posting are theories with blatent lies and untruths in them and complete misleading and false statements too lol



now come on , i guess he just made all this up for ........????

now that you have been proven wrong 100% with documented facts!!! but refuse to acknowledge the 100% proof & rebuttal
I think anyone would agree that the shit you posted is not "fact" or 100% anything
well i dont believe that they had to plant anything , whoever's plan went down quite nicely for them. I am not sure about the pentagon deal because they wont show us , and i have not done my homework on that crash. Flight 93 , i whole heartingly believe there was no plane at all. Again something a few pictures would solve. flight 93 was not even in the records as "destroyed" like some of the other planes. Hell i would like to know how in the fuck all them folks on wall street KNEW them 2 airlines were gonna crash, but then never claimed their money? Did they feel bad for knowing too much?
All i know is money can buy anything you want these days. (even a terrorist attack)

you didn't watch the videos. :wall:
you didn't watch the videos. :wall:
i watched all of them, that i am aware of ? I dont skim through the pages , i try to read and watch everything posted.
you should try that, and tell me why there were explosives in the building and it was not in the report? This man is more credible then any source you will find.
keenly i posted the video showing the wreckage twice now, which also tears to shreds several other claims you guys been making

if you cant read my posts its not my fault


i dont have the time to watch an entire video looking for a picture

obviously you failed to prove anything, as you can not even provide a simple picture proving a plane crashed in Pen. OR into the pentagon

you just kick and scream and cry lies because we talk about things you know you cant disprove and it gets you all worked up

ill say this again, show us 1 single picture of PLANE wreckage at either location

something that everyone knows CAME from a plane

but you cant, because it does not exist

you can keep with this "but i posted this" no, post a picture, with plane wreckage debris.... at either location

and ill say it again

you can not accomplish this feat because no such picture exists.... you can call me a liar all you want, and refuse to look at the evidence, eating those spoonfed mainstream media lies day in and day out

you call everything we say lies? its pretty obvious you have no knowledge of the events of 9/11

more proof you cant dispute, as physics does not lie

building 7 = controlled demolition, there is no other explanation for all, and i mean all, of the buildings structural supports to some how magically fail all at the same time...

larry silverstein himself said building 7 was a controlled demolition, so how are you going to try an invalidate this glaring piece of evidence?


lets here it P, did al qiada cut it down with boxcutters? :roll:
None of the videos you have been able to prove to be lies ... you just state they are then use reports that have been proven to be bogus ... how stupid is that ... plus I don't see you waving no $1000 check for proving the info in the one video was a lie ... more proof you simply blow shit out your ass ...

Nothing more than a fantasy on your part ... you haven't pointed out the so called false statements ... you just claim they are in general with no serious backing to your claims ... so keep fantasizing ... it's quite amusing really ... :lol:

Unlike you we don't accept reports that have been proven bogus ... if you want to be stupid knock yourself out ... it doesn't effect us at all ... :bigjoint:

Yeah I did ... that's how I know they are bogus ... anyone that uses the NIST report as proof is just plain :dunce:

It's only a lie to the blind ... and that doesn't concern us at all ...

The only thing laughable is your statements ... :lol:

And you are the blind ... trying to keep others as blind as you ... how's that working out for ya?

If anyone should apologize it's traitors like you that approval of and protect war crimes and war criminals ... when the truth is fully expose we won't forget your acts of treason ... :fire:

It's time you followed your own stupid advice ... :-P

rebel just cuz you type out your lies it doesnt make them true

you cant refute shit i posted real evidence all you guys post are lies misinformation and quotes out of context i proved several of your claims as bogus and taken out of contex and you cant retort a single one except to say you dont trust one report

is that the best you got? really is that the best you fools can do!!!??

you guys hide behind piles of info and garbage, 80% is lies and the other 20% is misinformation lol

you are a lier a cheat and a hussler but but you hussle treason by spreading lies, to the gulible,

you still havnt answered me one question that was real, what are your life expiriances and what makes you have the views you do. why dont you answer that question lets dig really deep on where we both are coming from lets shine the light of day on it shall we.

i wanna know how you come to you opinions and your lifes view on current politics and your thoughts and why you think those things

i deal with people like you all day long, you will always be a lier & a manipulator

you guys are a dime a dozen
FWIW Lier is spelled Liar, with an A.

Grow you and Big P are really going at each others throat here, can't we act a bit more civilized? I know its hard, but Even I blow shit out my ass, because thats the normal place it comes out, so not a very good insult. Now if you were to say you blow shit out your ears, well eeewwwww.
you guys are the ones acting like your smarter that everybody else like you guys figured out a new secret or somthing and we were too stupid to realize it

and i am tired of it so i am trolling this thread:bigjoint:
If you took a 6 ton piece of aluminum, steel and titanium and smashed it into the ground would you expect to find it 6 miles away from where you smashed it? I mean that is basically what they are claiming for the PA crash right? the plane crashed so hard that gravity and the forces of physics were reversed and the impact actually caused the plane pieces to eject out of the crash site and land up to 6 miles away right? I find that so very very hard to believe, no other plane crash has ever had that happen. Why is 911 so full of 1 and only time it ever happened events?
If you took a 6 ton piece of aluminum, steel and titanium and smashed it into the ground would you expect to find it 6 miles away from where you smashed it? I mean that is basically what they are claiming for the PA crash right? the plane crashed so hard that gravity and the forces of physics were reversed and the impact actually caused the plane pieces to eject out of the crash site and land up to 6 miles away right? I find that so very very hard to believe, no other plane crash has ever had that happen. Why is 911 so full of 1 and only time it ever happened events?
Yeah I noticed that part too when I read it. The next day I was looking down the road at what 8 miles would be and it is very hard to fathom that. Probably a reporting error?
If you took a 6 ton piece of aluminum, steel and titanium and smashed it into the ground would you expect to find it 6 miles away from where you smashed it? I mean that is basically what they are claiming for the PA crash right? the plane crashed so hard that gravity and the forces of physics were reversed and the impact actually caused the plane pieces to eject out of the crash site and land up to 6 miles away right? I find that so very very hard to believe, no other plane crash has ever had that happen. Why is 911 so full of 1 and only time it ever happened events?

your kidding right?

these are the things im talking about

this statment is a complete lie- debri fields of plane crashes can spread much further than that

i did a quik read most the far out debris were 1.5 miles away in the lake, the truthers have been falsly claiming the lake was 6 miles away another lie

the debris found 6 and 8 miles away were mostly light papery things and tiny body parts

but im sure the body parts were planted too:dunce:
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