Oh No burnt tips


Active Member
Not great pic, no camera so taken on phone but look close and you will see general size of brown tips. Dont wanna risk worsening problem by flushing cos have time release nutes in soil. Looked pretty healthy yesterday, maybe a little overwatered but not too worried. Today EVERY single leaf has a brown tip. WILL SHE LIVE ????


Well-Known Member
i think brown tips are normal when you're in flowering so you shouldnt worry too much


Active Member
Check your water / soil PH. I see burnt times after running a higher-then-normal PH, but I work in hydro not soil.



Active Member
I tend to see brown tips when I've gone just a wee bit too long between waterings. I also grow in soil (Sunshine #4) and use air conditioners to help control the temp and the humidity. Because the air is so dry and my plants get so large, the buckets I grow in can be almost parched less than a day after I've watered. Sometimes ... I may smoke a bit too much and forget to check on them or put off watering until the next morning. It never fails that a day or two later I will see browning on my fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
The three answers above are wrong unfortunately.

All that is from is a little too much fertilizer. Back off and just use water for a bit, or if you think you overdid it enough you can flush them.