oh no i screwed up with my light cycle


So this is my first grow...and i did my research and built my grow box.
and somehow i got my veg stage mixxed up and have been growing with my lights 12 on 12 off
i just recently figured out that it was supposed to be more like 16-20 on.

2011-10-13 23.09.21.jpg2011-10-09 20.12.21.jpg2011-10-13 23.09.01.jpg2011-10-09 20.12.32.jpg2011-10-09 20.12.12.jpg2011-10-09 20.12.40.jpg

it looks like it is starting to flower. its been on this cycle for about 3 weeks.

then the smaller clone has been on this cycle for about 1 week and the infant just sprouted.

can i switch to 20 on 4 off or is it too late?


Well-Known Member
your plants are looking good. just let them flower theres alot of people who do 12/12 from seed
if you switch the lights to 18/6 or 20/4 i think they wil reveg but why waste those buds that are forming just finish this grow and then start a new one?


so you guys think its fine? i should keep it on 12/12? i finally got rid of my spider mites.
any more suggestions?


Active Member
keep them flowering, the one from seeds should start to show hairs in 3-4 weeks. how long was the one vegged for on correct light schedule?

mushroom man

Active Member
if u are going to keep them on 1212 it really dont matter what and how long they were veging for ,the deed is done!! keep them on 1212 start a feedin routine on half stranght if .25 and go from there ,but yr golden bud ,good grow


they've been on 12 12 since the day i brought it in from an houtdoor plant. about 3 weeks.
im actualy buying a HID today from a friend. he said hid will be better for flowering.


Well-Known Member
nice lil job of the lil ones bro,jst let them go 4 it,gt sum clones of them if you can thyl take better and ul no theyr fem,i gt sum lil ones going aswell but i cnt figure out how ta gt ma pics up