Oh no! Need emergency help now!! :s


Active Member
dude!! wassup....no Grow-pro here..but i was facing sort of similar problems weeks ago...i maybe wrong ..but a transplant into a bigger pot did the trick for me....along with fresh soil n all...


Well-Known Member
This thread is epic and the guy saying to transplant it was just icing on the cake.

Thanks for the laugh.


Active Member
srry your grow did not go so well next time you know not to cut from there
this shud be a lesson to all Read b4 you do dum shit...
srry if cursing is not allowed



Well-Known Member
Ouch.......... compost! We've all killed some plants. Don't do it again though cause murder is illegal!


Well-Known Member
Next time ASK before you do ANYTHING. It was incredibly dumb putting it outside when it was already weak, almost as dumb as cutting slits in the stem.

If you hadn't put it outside in the sun it would have survived your first screw up.


Well-Known Member
Next time ASK before you do ANYTHING. It was incredibly dumb putting it outside when it was already weak, almost as dumb as cutting slits in the stem.

If you hadn't put it outside in the sun it would have survived your first screw up.
Almost as stupid as running around in a desert with only a gun, shirt and your underwear on!