Oh no, whats up with my babies? Are they too hot or starving??


Active Member
Im growing some k-train under a 400w HID and 2 of my babies seem to be suffering. They are 1 week into veg after 2 weeks as seedlings and have just started getting a tiny bit of Biobizz Grow. They are looking a little shriveled with the tips of the leaves curling upwards (look at bottom leaf in lower left hand corner of Img_2568.jpg) and some lime green creeping outwards from the central stem of the leaves. 400W HID is about 16 inches from canopy. Are they too hot or starving???:wall:



Active Member
Thanks Ace but I'm not sure it is a water problem. This is my third grow and i'm using the same amount of water as before although the weather is a little warmer. I am watering every 2 days and misting every other day.


Active Member
Thanks Ace but I'm not sure it is a water problem. This is my third grow and i'm using the same amount of water as before although the weather is a little warmer. I am watering every 2 days and misting every other day.
i think they look a little under watered. thats happened to me before one night when i forgot to water them. but it happens and they can be revived with just a little water when the lights are on. ive noticed a huge difference when the lights are on versus giving them water when the lights are off. show some more pics


Active Member
Babypython, I have added 2 more pics to my original post. You can ignore the brown patches on some of the leaves, this is nute burn from splashes from the ferted water (rookie mistake I know). My plants have been like for a few days now and have been watered with the light on but there is no change. Weird thing is that 2 of the other plants are fine..... I think the light green discolouration is significant but Im not sure whats causing it........


Active Member
I see over 80 people have read my post but only 2 have responded. Is this cause noone knows or am I making a basic rookie mistake??? I havnt posted many replies to other peoples questions cause I'm new to all this stuff. Anyway, hopefully someone will have seen this before and can shed some light on my problem. Plants are still growing pretty well but I would like to understand what exactly is going on.


Active Member
If it is not watering problems I would try just giving it plain water the next 2 waterings as it looks like they could be getting a little too much of nutes...just my 2 cents and let me know how they look in a week....Peace,,,newsoilgrower


Active Member
If it is not watering problems I would try just giving it plain water the next 2 waterings as it looks like they could be getting a little too much of nutes...just my 2 cents and let me know how they look in a week....Peace,,,newsoilgrower
Hey newsoilgrower, I thought that so I held off for 5 days before giving any more food and they seem ok. Problem looks about the same as when it started so I suppose it could be worse. Whats really annoying is that I also have some brown dead spots on some of my leaves that have gone so bad they are now little holes with brown edges... I think this is where my ferted water may have splashed onto the leaves while watering and the light caused burn in of some kind. The annoying thing is I introduced Biobizz Grow @ .5ml per litre which is exactly the same as the last time when I had NO problems. Its a little frustrating not knowing the cause of the problem, hence the questions! I reckon as only some leaves are effected, the plants should recover and move on but Im also tempted to ditch them and start again although I think this is me being impatient.......


Well-Known Member
make sure you check your ph, it could be a ph problem, also have you tried adding magnesium? Could be some kind of lock out, using mag could help the plant uptake some nutes. I would start with the Ph though.


Active Member
PH readings are fine and I will be adding some Epsom salts around week 3 of flowering. Only on of my plants look sick now, the other 3 of seem pretty healthy. Maybe I just have a sick plant from a bad seed???