Oh, Shit!! i fucked up..again!


Active Member

I was high and fell asleep when my plant was in its 12 hour light cycle...
the lights are supposed to go off at 12 am, but i was too stoned to remember so they got turned off at 5:30 am..what will this do to my plant?

its still growing good though...

should i scrap it and just start a new one or what?


Active Member
i'm pretty sure everyone has done it at least once before they got themselves a timer haha. it could turn them hermie but ihave had it happen a few times and mine were fine. my buddy left his on for 24hr by accident once this year.....he only ended up with two seeds.... depends on how far in you are to flower i guess just put it back on the same schedule you were before and it should be fine...peace



some strains will handle it better than others, but from my limited experience, it isn't as big of a deal as people make it out to be if your light cycle gets a little off once or twice. just finished off three plants, and was doing the same thing cause i was too cheap to buy a digital timer (getting up to turn the lights off). my plants have had too much light in flower about 6 or 7 times, no hermies. went the other way even more, too much darkness at least 10 times, still no hermies. just do yourself a favor and buy a timer, to avoid any risks, but i wouldnt stress on it too much.


Well-Known Member
Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer


ive got one of those cheap timers from home depot, i just hate them. ive since bought a nice digital timer for the next grow


Active Member
I have a timer but it clicks on and off a few minutes late..it fuckin sucks.

sometimes its like a half hour late

should i just get a digi-timer?