Oh Well


Active Member
Well after coming back from the Midwest on a little vacation, I went back to work and wouldn't you know it. I leave for the Labor Day week-end for a couple of days and come back to find 29 plants chopped down and some so far along into budding they were carried away. There were 2 so deep in the swamp the dogs didn't find them. But I made a movie of the first 20 days so they could show how much and fast they grow. It was taken in 10 day section. I have pics of what was left after they left.
Going to try to post everything so all can see.
http://s1233.photobucket.com/user/tomalock1/library/Major Loss?

Later on I'll post what they didn't find, also check out the new wallpaper I'm using, she's a cool fat mama and she's going to give me a whole new generation of seeds of a F1 Hybird I'm working on.


Active Member
Sucks man I think we all here can appreciate the effort that must have went in. The risks we take growing outdoor I guess. GL with the 2 they left, hopefully you get some good smoke off those anyways.


Well-Known Member
That really sucks. I love outdoors, but you never know. Here today gone tomorrow. Good luck bro


Active Member
Sucks man I think we all here can appreciate the effort that must have went in. The risks we take growing outdoor I guess. GL with the 2 they left, hopefully you get some good smoke off those anyways.

Thanks, it's a little heart ache but we all know this happens. Luckly this is the first the cops have ever found in 40 years of growing off and on. Once hunters found some but over all I've been damn lucky, so......
You should look at the "desktop.jpg" I posted a link too, it was actually smaller than what they found and the 2 they didn't find in the swamp is kind of scraggly but yes they are budding just fine, I just feed them the last time this past week-end and we have a good month or better left to grow here.

Intersting thing is the one that is a wallpaper has given me 50 clones today with 50 more tomorrow and it's into budding as we speak and after I take all the clones I'm going to I've some pollen off a male of the same strain that is getting applied. She's going to be a mother in more than 1 way. :)

I'll take the budding clones, set them into a 3 gallon flower pot (after they have made a root system) , switch the lamps to 12/12 to set them good and to get them adjusted to the lamps for 1 week, switch the timer back to 18/6 for 2 weeks. This forces the rooted bud tips to revert to re-veggin and produce an average of 7-9 new shoots, taking the 4 healtest new shoots (trying to get the same size amoung all for uniformity in size/height) tieing them over to the edge of the flower pot so as to make them appear in a 4-point pattern. After 2 weeks under 18/6 I switch the timer back to 12/12 to finish and trim off the extra new shoots leaving the 4 I tied over to the edge of the container.

What this does in the end it forces the rooted bud tip to revert to veggin and the new shoots done this way (I use a mostly Indic strain) will turn mostly into 4 solid buds per container. Last time I did this each 3-gallon container produced a little over 4ozs. each, at the price of $250 per oz. this comes to 1 grand per container.
email is tomalock55@gmail.com if any more info is needed by anyone.


Active Member
Good point but they were on the other side of the water/small swamp with the dogs the following day and what was left could" be seen as just vegetation since it had only started to form buds. the others were a different story., They were breed to finish a little faster. There were two strain and what you saw on the ground was a F1 hybird and the other strain was nowhere to be found and it did have good sized buds. Reason for planting the F1 was I needed a fresh batch of seeds. But all is not lost. I have 20 others they didn't find in another location.


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks man. I still find it kind of odd that they chopped em and left em. At least you have the other 20 though. Hopefully they're far away from the spot that was found. Like whole other area far away. Check your inbox as well on here.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, it's a little heart ache but we all know this happens. Luckly this is the first the cops have ever found in 40 years of growing off and on. Once hunters found some but over all I've been damn lucky, so......
You should look at the "desktop.jpg" I posted a link too, it was actually smaller than what they found and the 2 they didn't find in the swamp is kind of scraggly but yes they are budding just fine, I just feed them the last time this past week-end and we have a good month or better left to grow here.

Intersting thing is the one that is a wallpaper has given me 50 clones today with 50 more tomorrow and it's into budding as we speak and after I take all the clones I'm going to I've some pollen off a male of the same strain that is getting applied. She's going to be a mother in more than 1 way. :)

I'll take the budding clones, set them into a 3 gallon flower pot (after they have made a root system) , switch the lamps to 12/12 to set them good and to get them adjusted to the lamps for 1 week, switch the timer back to 18/6 for 2 weeks. This forces the rooted bud tips to revert to re-veggin and produce an average of 7-9 new shoots, taking the 4 healtest new shoots (trying to get the same size amoung all for uniformity in size/height) tieing them over to the edge of the flower pot so as to make them appear in a 4-point pattern. After 2 weeks under 18/6 I switch the timer back to 12/12 to finish and trim off the extra new shoots leaving the 4 I tied over to the edge of the container.

What this does in the end it forces the rooted bud tip to revert to veggin and the new shoots done this way (I use a mostly Indic strain) will turn mostly into 4 solid buds per container. Last time I did this each 3-gallon container produced a little over 4ozs. each, at the price of $250 per oz. this comes to 1 grand per container.
email is tomalock55@gmail.com if any more info is needed by anyone.
I don't know how UK cops work, but over here they take everything, seems strange they'd just leave them laying on the ground


Active Member
Damn that sucks man. I still find it kind of odd that they chopped em and left em. At least you have the other 20 though. Hopefully they're far away from the spot that was found. Like whole other area far away. Check your inbox as well on here.
Well maybe I'll get my eyes righ and I can find the button, i fff nottt it will nbe thar when I got tharr........never minddd