Ohana lemon ice tea and potassium

One I don’t trust this meters two if its good soil you shouldn’t have to ph it. if you keep the micro herd rolling well they’ll help that much more. What soil are you using btw?
The Soil I bought was crap and I knew I was going to run into one of these issues. I asked jiggrow back when I transplanted if he had any ideas and all we came up with was try to eliminate as many of them little balls as much as possible and feed a little lighter than normal cause of the NPk the soil already had. I have the Vivosun ph and ppm meters. The digital reads 6.7 on the soil runoff. I usually use the green meter for moisture reading cause it came with em. Ihad to use the miracle gro soil water and perlite retention cause that’s all I had access to. I would of used Great Lakes coco and perlite premix from Gls but they wasn’t delivering cause of COVID at the time and I only had a day or two to transplant from clones.. I usually get the organic Gia green and perlite premixed from Great Lakes soil co. so all I do is add osmosis water. That’s probably my issue all along. The extended release tabs with the nutrients is what’s making it wack out and I seen it coming and hoped I could of prevented it. I might just flush em out a few weeks and then go back to its original feed with tap in case it is lock out. Only problem is if it is themnot getting enough nutrients, then I’ll be chipping in a few weeks and starting fresh with organic soil as usual. That’s what makes all this fun. Learning and starting over.
I was one blue lab meter that you leave in the soil and bubble bucket with three or four different slots for multiple sensors and it looked pretty bad ass. I think I am gonna get me one soon cause they look like they are pretty accurate with numbers