ohio growers?


Well-Known Member
They should start to flower any time now. The days are just getting short enough to start. They will finish around the end of Oct or beginning of Nov.


Active Member
thanks man..they have hairs now...i didnt know when i posted this that they did.next year im gonna go simple with an auto flower and grow them about 4 weeks inddors then move them outside in may.then regenerate them all year until november if i can


Active Member
central ohio here my plant is about 4 weeks into flower shes lookin fanatic, shes 6 ft tall 24 branches, 124 bud sites, shes extremely beautiful, its my first outdoor grow so im pretty damn happy with it. its good to see some ohio folks here


Well-Known Member
You can't regenerate (I guess that means re-veg?) an auto, and they don't do well outside anyway.


Well-Known Member
If you know how to grow them they do wonderful outside. Lowlife auto AK47 does amazing outside trust me!


Well-Known Member
im by cincinati ... and weather lately showin signs of it getting colder quicker than the past couple years which could get bad so id watch the weather fellas i grow indoors so i kinda dont have to watch that just givin a heads up


Active Member
North Coast Weather sucks... That's why the basement is the way to grow.. I mean go. <g>
seems to be working pretty well..just getting cold.next year im just growing autos..starting them inside so there about a month old on about may 15th then planting them outside so i can regenerate them and get hopefully about 2-3 harvests per plant.possibly breed my own seed with some isolated plants.ive got 20 acres and plenty of surrounding fields to work with


live about 5 minutes from toledo, mine seem to be holding up nicely still, started late but ill get some decent bud


Active Member
so i was in my woods today looking for my phone when it was dark (about an hour ago) when i heard some idiots talking walking down my dirt bike trail towards my plant..so i stop and listen then shined my light over and they quit talking and i heard them run like hell.so this is just a little warning.rippers are on the move