Ohio state Marijuanna Laws... wow


Well-Known Member
i did not know they were actually this lenient, what is considered less that 100g growing? plant weight or bud? anyone know this? Low lower penalties than i expected

Ohio - NORML
For my cousin he said they wieghted his whole 5 gal bucket of dirt and the plant but my neighbor was ratted out and i watched the police and they dumped the bucket pulled out the plant shook it and put it in a black trash bag so im not sure exactly

i live in columbus ohio


Active Member
I live in southern ohier. We drive down the streets with smoke rollin out the windows so yeah.


Well-Known Member
be cautious of this state's laws if you are contemplating a grow there
seen a lot of bad grow busts posted on the grow sites, they seem to weigh pots and soil in addition to the plants
maybe there are cool jurisdictions, but you'd want to do some research on that before your grow