

Well-Known Member
yup, definitely gotta rep the 614 and ohio state. lotta chronic in c-bus. 3 years straight with out a drought when i lived there. got strains like dumpster, g-13, lemon-g-13, trainwreck and widow. and prices andrent cali prices but better than where im at right now


Well-Known Member
and for gr8fulgreen, i grew up in lakewood and went to school there for a little while
nice. I grew up in the Cleveland area in general, some time in the burbs. But Lakewood is a good choice for our family as its still pretty nice where we are, the rent is very good, and its close to everything we need to be close to like stores, doctors, etc.

Lakewood also has a good amount of hippies.

Ohio in general is nice. Theres the Nelson's Ledges Quarry Park (Nelson Ledges Quarry Park). Great party place in northeastern ohio. Also if you go down south near Athens there is Skatopia (skatopia - Google Search). I am not a skateboarder, but I have always had friends who are, and that place is probably one of the craziest organized and insane party establishments in the world.


Well-Known Member
Im in a suburb of cleveland Strongsville anyone from here???? aorund here ???? if i need some bud weres my dudes from around here that i can get some from?????????????????? along with my growing :)