Active Member
I know all the basics and have a beginners set up I understand I need a vac purge and have plans to aquire oneone but for now I hot water bath until the butane is almost gone and then use a vac u saver hand pump(ghetto I know) to help remove more tane. I keep temps low under 110. Ran 2 pounds and ended up with a pile of sludge. The trim was mostly popcorn and high quality Colorado indoor. It was also extremely fresh and I used way too much butane. Would any of those account for why I cannot get it to change to oil for the life of me? I winterized at least 20gs in an attempt to get shatter and although it cleaned out a bunch of nasty shit it still remains a dark very stick and hard to manage oil. It was never burned or put above 135°f. I know it is not my method I ran some other really dry popcorn last night and got beautiful amber shatter. Could the trim be too fresh or just a bad batch? Half of it is amazing smelling popcorn much better than the nug I got to turn to shatter. I'm confused and would appreciate any of input greatly. Also would a vac purger be able to salvage this brown mess?