oil after winterization?

I know all the basics and have a beginners set up I understand I need a vac purge and have plans to aquire oneone but for now I hot water bath until the butane is almost gone and then use a vac u saver hand pump(ghetto I know) to help remove more tane. I keep temps low under 110. Ran 2 pounds and ended up with a pile of sludge. The trim was mostly popcorn and high quality Colorado indoor. It was also extremely fresh and I used way too much butane. Would any of those account for why I cannot get it to change to oil for the life of me? I winterized at least 20gs in an attempt to get shatter and although it cleaned out a bunch of nasty shit it still remains a dark very stick and hard to manage oil. It was never burned or put above 135°f. I know it is not my method I ran some other really dry popcorn last night and got beautiful amber shatter. Could the trim be too fresh or just a bad batch? Half of it is amazing smelling popcorn much better than the nug I got to turn to shatter. I'm confused and would appreciate any of input greatly. Also would a vac purger be able to salvage this brown mess?


I'm no expert on the process, but I've looked into it for personal reasons and fresh trim probably isn't ideal. Butane isn't water soluble except in cold water apparently, and when you blast fresh material with butane it is super cold, freezing the water in the material and very likely pulling moisture away with it. Is there any greenish color at all to it?

If it doesn't improve try putting it in the freezer.


Well-Known Member
fresh is good.
will be gooey-lighter terps
color is strain dependant if not overcooked.
make sure its filtered while below freezing et
other than those basic tidbits..
concentrate and extracts would have been a better section as pros are "watching"