ok can anyone answer this


ive read what causes overwatering but no one ever says what to do about it...so i have a plant and this is the first time i have over watered it but it just soo happens i was repotting the next day i examined the roots no rot the look healthy and white and i just repotted into dry soil should i wait it out moisten the soil or is it a goner i need some help guys

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
basically overwatering just drowns trhe roots not letting them breathe. If your plants ARE overwatered just let the soil dry out between waterings. I like to let the soil dry out before I transplant because the soil will compact a little bit and the rootmass and soil will all come out easily. Than you just put into premoistened soil with a hole to accomodate the old pot and set it in add soil around the sides and top and water a little more till it's nice and moist. Kills two birds with one stone.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
if you already transplanted into dry soil water that soil . thouroughly and let the soil dry before adding water agin check the top 2-4 inches if dry water if moist wait.

supa gro

Active Member
I usually mist my soil as i'm transplanting so the roots will have an easier time finding their way through. If you moisten the soil now maybe you should just put a little. If not, just wait a day or two til it dries out some and water. It'll be fine.
next time add some hydroclay to your soil or mix some vermiculite (sp?) with the soil to makke little air pockets and adds aeration tot he soil. drains faster and helps with overwatering.