ok day 3 :(


Active Member
well day three has come since i first dropped the seed in and well the stem is growing like wildfire its a good 3 inches outta the soil

they have four leaves not 5 yet maybe still to early but ive got no idea

2 leaves look like pot leaves 2 leaves look like normal leaves and the 2 that look like pot leaves are shining and nice n green the other 2 leaves on both plants are basically a brown tint to them and both are withering a lil is this normal is is something wrong again


Well-Known Member
thos leaves shouldn't be dying this early in the game. - probly 2 much heat or over nuting


Active Member
yeh thats what i figured i just put the nutes in yesterday i got

OSMOCOTE which is 19-6-12 closest thing i could find to a 20-5-5

but now i ready the back of my miracle-gro potting mix and its also got nutes so i probably wayy over fed em huh if so what should i do to get my kids back on the right track


Active Member
ok this is now weird i def. for sure only planted 2 seeds but my one plant now has another plant growing rite next to it like i put another seed in but i only put 2 seeds any info on this


Well-Known Member
Ok remember this my man, never never never give nutes until at least two weeks at least after planting. Your plants are small and weak and need time for the roots to develop before you shock then with nutes.


Active Member
yeh just gotta get my usb cord i could take em with my phone but who knows who sees that by the time it gets to my email u never know lol


New Member
those non-marijuana leafs are destined for death... boobs was right to early for it to be happennen....when usein nutes a rule of thumb is when you first start only use 25% of what the directions say to use....this is because the directions listed are usually what the max is you can add to a plant without killin it...but our plants are different....