Ok...deep thought time..who's with me?


Well-Known Member
This is just ONE of the PLUS's of medical cannabis. Not only do I feel no pain, but I can even hear neurons firing off in my brain. Take that Morphine! Pffbbt!

Anyways back on topic-

Typical braniac moment and I begin to wonder: Are the physcoactive effects of THC logarithmic or linear in scale? For those not math inclined (hell, not how sure I am right now), the follwing simple example from Wiki:

A logarithmic scale is a scale of measurement using the logarithm of a physical quantity instead of the quantity itself.
A simple example is a chart whose vertical axis has equally spaced increments that are labeled 1, 10, 100, 1000, instead of 1, 2, 3, 4. Each unit increase on the logarithmic scale thus represents an exponential increase in the underlying quantity for the given base (10, in this case).

So, my question remains: If you were to smoke, vape or ingest say, half a gram of fine bud, you would be x, or 1x 'high'.

Now if you doubled the amount of that *same* bud to one whole gram, you would then be 10x or ten times higher (instead of twice). Isn't math fun? :)
Imagine how *easy* of a grant this would be to get! :idea:

Lab posts job opening for "THC measurement trials"
Every stoner within 50 miles applies to be a 'tester'.
Serious amounts of fine bud goes up in smoke,vapor, etc...
Lab coat type guys chart down the effects and doses,etc...

Seriously though...it was a nice dream, but the true effects cannot be effectively 'measured' Everyone's biochemistry is different, tolerances, etc...

There are simply too many variables involved in this math problem to logically solve. Damn. Thought I was onto something there.... :)


Well-Known Member
what was G-D doing before he created the universe? And where did he come from and who or what made him?


Well-Known Member
Wow. Nicely done...and touché!

O.k. Let me see if I can counter that...pretty well medicated right now, so bear with me please. :)

He doesn't and he didn't, cause he wasn't and he isn't. Everything you know is wrong and upsidedown. You took the blue pill, right? :p

This and more, is all part of what we call 'The Construct'. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Why is it that slow down and slow up mean the same thing ?

If you expect the unexpected doesn't that make the unexpected expected ?


Well-Known Member
Democracy leads to corporatism, which leads to fascism (the seamless integration of state and corporations), which leads to poverty and communism then cuts out the middleman and leads to dictatorship, which is followed by revolution....


Well-Known Member
what was G-D doing before he created the universe? And where did he come from and who or what made him?
God is time itself, there is nothing that is not God. Therefore there was no time before time.