Ok... first time grow pics..."Mango Kush"


Started with seeds from a bag of primo hermie weed. Began life in early April under CFL's. Moved them outside late may

Fox Farms Ocean Forest, Grow Big and lots of tender care


Active Member
They look really nice, but I would stake them just to ensure that a strong wind doesn't break the stems. That happened to two of my plants.


They look great man keep up the good work. They look nice and camo there. Any reason you didn't just plant them in the ground??
Yeah its real hard and rocky there..... plus I have the ability to shuffle them around a bit as its my first time growing in this spot and dont know exactly how the sunlight comes in


Active Member
Those plants are nice ,im growing a master kush , but in your picture , it looks like the mango stays on the indica side ?
It really does look a good month older then mine , i wish mines got a quicker start , keep us posted.


Those plants are nice ,im growing a master kush , but in your picture , it looks like the mango stays on the indica side ?
It really does look a good month older then mine , i wish mines got a quicker start , keep us posted.
The plant to the left most of pic one and also pic three is more or a sativa, while the rest seem to be more indica.

I got the seeds out of a bag where I was getting the stuff over a two month period so who knows exactly what they are. but the stuff the seeds came from sure was firey!!

Thanks for showing interest guys


also, how much water do you think these guys will take every other day in the 95* heat?? Im giving each plant a gallon right now


Active Member
also, how much water do you think these guys will take every other day in the 95* heat?? Im giving each plant a gallon right now
Its up to you to know you soil , did you add like a mulch layer or anything to try and retain moisture ?
I do actually have a grow bag outside and i do have to water it almost everyday or every other day .
you might not have to for a few , i really dont know how quick your soil drys out , But black pots and stuff soak in heat so that will make them evaporate quicker.
I wana see how this turns out for you.
are you giving them any mollases ?


also, how much water do you think these guys will take every other day in the 95* heat?? Im giving each plant a gallon right now
That's something you will have to moniter on your own. After pouring the gallon and the water is absorbed is the pot fully saturated? When you come back in two days stick your finger in the soil to see how deep you have to go before hitting moisture. Do the same for the drain holes on the bottom. I personally don't like more than the top two inches of soil to be dry.

At 95 degree temperature I don't think a watering regiment of every other day will hold up unless you have water polymers in the soil. Do you have a water source nearby? Where I'm at when we reach 90 degree weather I'm watering twice a day - morning/evening and I have water polymers.


Wow thats quite a bit maybe I should up the watering. When I go out on the second day the soil isnt bone dry its got some moisture to.....

Im just using foxfarms ocean forrest


Active Member
well just pour in the gallon , and see how mutch water drains out .
then water again after the heat , and see how mutch water drains out .
and compare how mutch less water you need the following day , and you should have a idea on when to water them, or how long it takes for the soil to dry out.


Well-Known Member
also, how much water do you think these guys will take every other day in the 95* heat?? Im giving each plant a gallon right now
I have 3 plants in 2 gallon pots and i water them with a gallon each a day or so with out any problems so given certain circumstances like :

-how often can you walk over to them if it doesn't matter then you can get away with watering 2 times a day.

- the pots look to be 5 gallon pots so do this.. water the pots with a gallon to 2 gallons each if you can do 2 then do 2 gal each, wait till the first 3 inches of the outer most region of your pot is dry using the finger method * the part closest to the plastic wall * when the first 3 inches is dry then its time to water but thats rule of thumb..i would water those tree's in the morning before work and then at night when the sun goes down. I almost guarantee that they will consume a gallon of water as your pouring it so it wont hurt your plants or drown then at all..

Ive heard that wet spells and dry spells help to make your plant burst with growth spurts * correct me if im wrong *

water 2 times a day for a week then water your pots till there saturated and wait till the soil dries out then start that cycle again.

this is what i do..i water everyday for a week then the weekends i stop so friday i water in the morning then i dont water till monday night..gives my plants time to search for water and makes the root mass grow....food for thought