ok.....heres an unusual problem....lmao......plant too BIG!!!??????...........

hey people......i have a few plants under cfls.......about lights 12k lumens.......
my northern lt plant is 4 weeks and 4 days old. at 3 foot plus(i know,lol), its towering above the rest. i started flowering 4 days ago, because, it got so big, so fast, top leaves have 12 fingers.......
now that its on 4th day of 12/12, its still growing, rapidly......what the hell do i do????? this bugger wont stop. i was using miracle grow for tomatoes, untill i got nitro poisoning, and mag deficient, i flushed it, gave it epsom, and now, like before, its friggin unstopable.......
A) how the hel do i slow this frigger down, and B) i cant tell the sex yet. unless im not lookin properly. can someone offer some suggestions, and maybe post a pic of the earliest signs of sex......i dont THINK i see pistols yet......also, not stinky yet.......
im switching to str8 water , hopfully to run the nitro out and slow it down a lil......
can i flower this pig with 12k lumens of cfls????
my avatar, is the same plant, about 2weeks(12") ago.....its much bigget now......extremely bushy also......very bushy........thanks all!!!!!


Active Member
Well I dont know why you would want to slow it down. Your gonna get more yeild maybe, but atleast a faster grow, might think of saving the genetics of it for a fast growing crop, down the line. Although, I do know that most male tendency plant out grow female in the veggy stage by at least double. Its always dissappointing when I start to flower and end up cutting down the best looking part of my crop cause they're male plants.
Good luck, and I hope that helps.
thanks, im not going to buy or use HID's, cant, so its imperitive that i keep it small enough to flower with cfls....lol......
as for pics......my avatar is the plant in mention.....i will try to take an updated pic tonight......
i hope shes a girl.......
and im being told, its hard to flower with cfl's if its too big.....so i was worried......
who has experience with blooming nutes???? should i use them......or not....and ifso, when????......thanks!!!!


Active Member
i started to flower a 6ft with only 3 75w CFLS did well.
the 3 75wCFLS put out 1,100lumens ea.
was a bag seed so its may not been as good as ur to need better lights
wow....thats not many lumens......
i have (1) 40w[3000 lumen] sheilded at the top(300w equivalent), i also have (3) 27w"s, and (5)13w. between 11-13,000 lumens.........
i hope to do well, if u flowered 6 footers with just 3.....
i was worried.....
lmao......i switched from mostly (cool white), to mostly (warm white), my closet went from daylihgt blue, to very yellow........


Active Member
wow....thats not many lumens......
i have (1) 40w[3000 lumen] sheilded at the top(300w equivalent), i also have (3) 27w"s, and (5)13w. between 11-13,000 lumens.........
i hope to do well, if u flowered 6 footers with just 3.....
i was worried.....
lmao......i switched from mostly (cool white), to mostly (warm white), my closet went from daylihgt blue, to very yellow........

yea i dont know if i had just a cheep strain of plant but yea was young and dumb just wanted to see if i could grow it and it grew with that lil of supplies


Active Member
o yea about it begin to big i hear about people cuttin the top or somthing off read though the fourms u find somthing


Active Member
mine are 36 inches at 5 weeks and under 6 CFLs they really took off... i wanna know if ppl who flower at one foot get good results bc my plants are HUGE


Well-Known Member
I used CFLs on this monster bitch for awhile when my HID setup blew. Grown from underdeveloped bag seed,


I have never flowered under CFL or been able to see bud from CFL. What I keep hearing is its fluffy and low yielding. The CFLs kept my baby alive during veg and she grew at a decent rate, however when it went back under the MH the color deepened, plant looked more vibrant, etc. I just can't do CFLs for more than early veg and cloning. They definitely are proven to work, but GOD i love HID!!!
yeah, i grow out side normally, so this is new. my buddy, vegges with a 400 mh, then swaps it for a 400 sodium(yellow), to flower......he rocks it.......but i cant do the heat of either HID......lol.....


Well-Known Member
yeah, i grow out side normally, so this is new. my buddy, vegges with a 400 mh, then swaps it for a 400 sodium(yellow), to flower......he rocks it.......but i cant do the heat of either HID......lol.....

DOOD 150, not hot! i got 1 and a BIG ass cfl, i only use to reg fans to keep it kool, and it stays at 80, unless its hot out side mayb 84


Well-Known Member
even in a 3;x4' closet??????????? i have to keep the door mostly closed, so, my neihbors dont think anything is up....lol.....
mostly or closed? i took a door off and then covered the flowering tank witha blanket, oh and i have 8 cfls, bigger 1s in their tooo, they gotta add a lil heat.

but if any thing 50 $ at target, theres a stand up ac. goes down to 70

trust dood u will NEVER evere ever regret the decision of hid