ok i have a prob my one of my vegi plants r geting pistols with little white hairs


Active Member
ok well one of my plants is showing sex and i dont know y it in the vegi room and the lights r on for 24 24all day every day and its geting little pistols and white hairs and i dont know.i had no light for like 8hours becouse the hole town lost power would this make my plant do this.and can i still clone it with now bad things happening to my plants?i need some help


Well-Known Member
lol calm down... if you want to flower go to 12/12 if you want to continue veg keep it 24/0 and take clones.. that is probably just a preflower indicating its a female, keep it in 24 and clone it

plants are 100% fine.


Well-Known Member
good signs. post some pics. it does get cloudy, sometimes very cloudy in nature. anything more than that or if like 2 days in a row, than you could have issues. a 9V flashlight will ease your anxieties.
now, the question is, did you see these preflowers before the 8 hours or were you not really looking?


Active Member
whats the strain??
i had that problem with a preflower (lowryder) seed i got over the net and had got it mixed up with one of my others...


Active Member
had BigBud & MazarAfghan do the same thing white pistols at 28 days then in 2 or 3 days buds great ladies check out my pic's