OK, Need a look and opinions here.


Leaves are starting to yellow pretty bad now, this was after a ton of new growth. I'm using MG soil and nothing else yet.

I need some help, please?



Active Member
if you use miracle grow try and get the moisture control, some miracle grow has time release nutrient balls. overall plant looks good the yellowing is normal as the plant gets taller the lower leaves will yellow and die off, you have a problem when alot of your leaves are turning yellow. what light are you using?


Well-Known Member
shit can the MG!! it looks like nute burn to me1 jus my opinion......get sum fox farm soil and just give em water, no nutes!!


Well-Known Member
also hard to tell by pic but it looks like its coming from the main on up which could be a phos. deficiency!?? lets see what others say!!


I'm using 3 125 watt 6500K lights. I know about the MG, now. I wish I had known before had. As stated before this is my first grow. If it is nute burn will it kill my plant?


Well-Known Member
noit aint gunna "kill" her!! she is just sick! get sum new soil and just water her with no nutes for a few days to about a week!! she come out of it !


Active Member
ya shes not gonna die.
the new growth looks pretty healthy. let us know how she looks after u balance it out.
Get a cheap moisture meter while your there also to make sure your not overwatering. Nute burn can turn into a big problem with MG soil especially if your over watering. Your plant doesn't look that bad, maybe a little nute burn, and a little over watering.


Well-Known Member
i dont see any nute burn atall if it was nute bern it wouldnt be starting from the bottom working its way up, almost 100% sure its not nute burn, and dont get a moister meter u can if u like to waste cash but its not that hard to tell when it needs water, and when u water just water till a lilbit of a trickle comes out the bottom holes, to me this looks like a deficiancy and even though ur soil has nutes in it it might not be taking them up do to ur ph if it is off at all wich im sure it is
i dont see any nute burn atall if it was nute bern it wouldnt be starting from the bottom working its way up, almost 100% sure its not nute burn, and dont get a moister meter u can if u like to waste cash but its not that hard to tell when it needs water, and when u water just water till a lilbit of a trickle comes out the bottom holes, to me this looks like a deficiancy and even though ur soil has nutes in it it might not be taking them up do to ur ph if it is off at all wich im sure it is
Yeah, I guess you didn't look at the picks and notice the yellowing was starting from the bottom up. For someone who is new, and can't always tell by looking at their plants, a moisture meter can be helpful. I still think its just a little over watering in combination with the MG soil.
As mcpurple said, do keep an eye on your PH.


Well-Known Member
yes i did look at the pics thats why i said in what u qouted that its not nute burn cuz its starting from the bottom moving up, wich is a def. not nute burn nute burn looks way different, yet again im sure its not nute burnt, and im no expert but even a first time grower should be able to lift his pot and feel its lighter than usal so water, or just stick your finger 1/2 inch down into soil of wet wait till water if dry water it, u dont do it by the looks of the plant, also another way to tell it needs water is the soil when dry will move away fromthe pot leaving a small space between the pot and soil, but if u really cant tell get the meter but it shouldnt be that hard


Active Member
i dont see any nute burn atall if it was nute bern it wouldnt be starting from the bottom working its way up, almost 100% sure its not nute burn, and dont get a moister meter u can if u like to waste cash but its not that hard to tell when it needs water, and when u water just water till a lilbit of a trickle comes out the bottom holes, to me this looks like a deficiancy and even though ur soil has nutes in it it might not be taking them up do to ur ph if it is off at all wich im sure it is
I always though nute burn DID start at the bottom and work it's way up. Isn't that where the nutrients work up from, the soil?

I was going to say nute burn or overwatering before I read your post.


Active Member
Yeah, I guess you didn't look at the picks and notice the yellowing was starting from the bottom up. For someone who is new, and can't always tell by looking at their plants, a moisture meter can be helpful. I still think its just a little over watering in combination with the MG soil.
As mcpurple said, do keep an eye on your PH.
I bought a $10 moisture meter that went from 1 to 10. It said water was a 7. It never went above 7. A freshly watered plant that was saturated read a 4. I don't trust the cheapo moisture meters.
I bought a $10 moisture meter that went from 1 to 10. It said water was a 7. It never went above 7. A freshly watered plant that was saturated read a 4. I don't trust the cheapo moisture meters.
Sounds like yours was broke buddy. And yes, I agree, once you have a couple of grows, and you know your plants, you won't need one. The one I used when I started worked, to each his own I guess.


My PH is 7 so..... Could real dry soil do this (yellowing to the leaves)? I'm starting to think that it's nute burn from the MG soil.


I wouldn't think, I only water when the soil gets dry. I'm going to get a moisture meter as suggested.